This term describes a power specifically listed in the Constitution, such as the ability to coin money or regulate trade
Expressed Power
This branch of government is responsible for making laws.
Name one advantage of federalism
* States have more control over local issues
* Citizens can have a voice in both state/local gov't
* Prevents confrontations of power
This candy melts in your mouth, not in your hand.
These colorful, tiny, chewy candies are known for their "theater box" and come in fruit and licorice flavors.
Mike & Ike
Powers that both the federal and state governments can exercise, such as taxing or building roads, are known as these.
concurrent powers
This branch enforces and carries out laws passed by Congress.
Name some disadvantages of federalism
* confusion between federal law/state law
* Laws can vary between states leading to inequality
* Resources not distributed equally
The "king of lollipops" is this candy on a stick.
Tootsie Pop
This sour candy claims to be "the most sour candy in the world."
This phrase gives Congress the authority to make laws beyond those explicitly stated, as long as they are related to its enumerated (listed/stated) powers.
Necessary and Proper Clause
This branch has the power to interpret laws and decide if they are constitutional.
How does the Supremacy Clause prevent conflicts in our legal system?
Federal law reigns supreme - leaving no doubt about which law takes precedence
This fruit-flavored candy comes in colorful rainbow packages.
This candy is the favorite snack of E.T. in the famous 1982 movie.
Reese's Pieces
This clause establishes that federal laws take precedence over state laws when there is a conflict.
Supremacy Clause
This branch has the power to declare laws or executive actions unconstitutional, ensuring checks on the other two branches.
How does the Necessary and Proper Clause give flexibility to Congress?
Allows Congress to create laws that are specifically listed - flexibility in responding to change
This candy bar is famous for its slogan, "You're not you when you're hungry."
This candy bar, made of nougat, caramel, and chocolate, is named after a famous space-themed event or object.
Milky Way
Powers not delegated to the national government and reserved for the states are known as this.
Reserved Powers
This branch controls the budget, including deciding how federal money is spent.
What might happen if the Necessary and Proper Clause didn't exist?
Congress would be limited to the expressed powers in the Constitution
This candy’s name sounds like a laugh.
Laffy Taffy
This candy, known for its popping sensation in your mouth, was invented by accident in the 1950s.
Pop Rocks