@The Lazy Owner I am legally obliged to choose utopia
The Sole monster hit within it's archetype for a month & a half, this card single-handedly brought an already decent deck to the top of the meta.
Gladiator Beast Gyzarus
One of the signature decks that rose to prominence during late-Duel monsters era, the deck was capable of generating a never-ending stream of beaters.
Heart of the Ocean
A deck so unusual to top a tournament, that a custom role was given to it's pilot.
A signature power-play that began as early as February this year, despite being quite weak.
Sangan Beatdown
Stop pinging me when there’s a gravekeepers chief
This card has basically never left it's spot on the f&l list since the beginning of time, due to it's potential to find other copies of itself & create "fun & interactivity"
Morphing Jar #2
This Common card was sold for a surprisingly high price, which triggered another player so much as to make them ragequit the server
Blackwing - Bora the Spear
This deck would have been tier 1, if it weren't for a a certain single hand trap ending it's career.
Accompanied by Two certain emoji, this word was used as a way to say "yes" or "okay"
i prefer milf decks
This card singlehandedly won more games alone than any other card during it's time, so much so that it's message lives on til this day.
Change of Heart
One of the most memorable arguments in our server's history, this card's limiting caused a certain old player to go mad about it being not the right hit
Emergency Provisions
With an Infamous 1st place Finish, this deck abused it's primary enabler in an entirely different fashion.
Scientist Control
This continuous trap was sought after by most participants, but it's impact in the end was low due to it's low-mid rarity status.
Fiendish Chain
horse had better sell me his hands
This card was slept on for months until it eventually found a home in gadgets, giving it a one-way ticket to the banlist.
Ultimate Offering
If horse smelt this card within a 3,000 mile radius, he'd be putting up trade offers in less than a millisecond
Archlord Kristya
Jackyjones managed to scrape out a 3rd place finish, whilst somehow playing Dark Necrofear in the main deck despite the card's age.
Dark World
This card, despite it's eventual redundancy, would be bought by Eye9 for a total of $25.
Hand of the Six Samurai
Can't wait to Gishki handloop everyone
Banned for all of only a couple formats, this card facilitated easy graveyard recursion & sometimes handloops
XX-Saber Ragigura
This deck was often played by a certain participant, which caught the attention of the owner, Granting them a unique role.
Fortune Lady
This Deck, is described as a certain participant's "ketamine"
During Week 9 of the series, this music video would be a main stake in every voice chat session.
The Final Countdown