What is Josh Bell's Nickname?
Filthy McNasty
What is JB obsessed with? Can you list THREE?
Michael Jordan, betting, or Miss Sweet Tea
What is the mascot for twins basketball team/school?
What is the name of the school the twins' attend?
Reggie Lewis Junior High
What type of figurative language is this?
If anyone else called me fresh and sweet, I'd burn mad as a flame.
What is Jordan's nickname?
Why did Chuck Bell retire from basketball?
He had patella tendinitus
What was the first meal the mom had the family eat when she decided they needed to eat healthier?
pita bread and hummus
Why does their mom want the family to start avoiding unhealthy food?
Family history of heart disease.
What type of figurative language is this?
In this game of life your family is the court and the ball is your heart.
What is the boys' dad's nickname(s)?
Da Man and Lipgloss
What European country did Chuck Bell play in and win a championship?
What is Jordan's girlfriends name and nickname?
Alexis or Miss Sweet Tea
Who is Josh and JB's best friend?
What type of figurative language is this?
I take off from center court, my hair like wings, each lock lifting me higher and HIGHER like a 747.
What is the meaning of pulchritudinous?
physically beautiful or attractive
What are Chuck Bell's two favorite foods?
Pollards Chicken and Krispy Kreme
What is the name of the doctor that Chuck Bell will go visit in the Third Quarter?
Dr. Youngblood
What is JB and Josh's mom's job?
Assistant School Principal
What type of figurative language is this?
The first is up, UP and CLANK!
Where did Josh get his nickname from?
Dad's favorite jazz song
Who are some of Josh's favorite rappers?
Why was Josh late to his game?
His dad was pulled over by a police officer
What book is Josh reading that he needs to complete a book report on for school?
The Giver
What type of figurative language is this?
I can see the red scissors from Coach's desk smiling at me, their steel blades sharp and ready.