Figurative Language
What’s the Meaning?
Elements and Devices

“He’s reading me like a book” What type of figurative language is this and what does it mean?

This is a simile. This compares the speaker to a book the other person is reading. It means that the other person knows exactly what the speaker is going to do from watching him.


What does pulchritudinous mean, as used in:

“Vondie and JB debate whether the new girl is a knockout or jut beautiful, a hottie or a cutie, a lay-up or a dunk… So when they ask, What do you think, Filthy? I tell ‘em, She’s pulchritudinous.”


A. Tall.
B. Someone with a big forehead.
C. Someone blonde.
D. Having great physical beauty and appeal.


Having great physical beauty and appeal.

This is the correct definition of pulchritudinous. 


“Like hip-hop misses Tupac” 

What type of Elements and Devices is this quote?

This quote is allusion. It references Tupac and his career in hip-hop.


”The hip-hop soundtrack blasts.

The bass booms.

The crowd looms.”

What is the rhyme scheme?


Blasts does not rhyme with anything so it gets an A

Booms rhymes with looms so it gets a B

Looms rhymes with booms so it gets a B


“And so each time I count the locks of hair beneath my pillow I end up with thirty–seven plus one tear, which never adds up.” 

What is the tone of this poem and what does it mean?

This poem conveys the tone of loss and sadness. He is sad that all of his locks had to be cut off and he feels like he lost an important part of who he is.


“The gym is a loud, crowded circus.” What type of figurative language is this and what does it suggest?

This is a metaphor. It is comparing the gym to a circus because of how loud and crowded it is. This suggests that there is a lot going on in the gym and it is kind of crazy.


What does hypertension mean, as used in:

Get a checkup. Hypertension is genetic.

I’m fine stop high-posting me, baby, Dad whispers…

Fainting is a joke, is it?


A. A disease otherwise known as high blood pressure.
B. Someone with an obsession with eating
C. Confusion
D. Having great physical beauty and appeal.


A disease otherwise known as high blood pressure.

This is the correct definition of hypertension.


“The Bells hit centerstage and the curtain opens up on the afternoon pick-up game in the gym at the county recreation center.” What type of elements and devices is this?

This is imagery. When it says the bells hit centerstage in the curtain opens up, it provides a mental image and you can see it.


What sound device is used in “Dribble, fake, shoot, swish!”

Onomatopoeia. “Swish” mimics a ball going through a net, which is a sound, therefore it is an onomatopoeia.


“All the while thinking that if life is really fair one day I’ll be the one writing notes to some sweet girl and JB will have to squash his lips on some dummy’s sweaty mouth.” 

What is the tone of this poem and how?

This poem conveys the tone of annoyance. The poem conveys this because Josh is annoyed that Jordan is passing notes to a sweet girl while he has to be in front of the class performing mouth-to-mouth on a dummy.


“Get my head in the game”

What type of figurative language is this?

This is an idiom. It is a common phrase people say when they need to focus.


What does patellar tendinitis mean, as used in:

“Your decision not to have surgery means that realistically, with patellar tendinitis, you may not be able to play again.”


A. A condition of bone damage that causes lost legs.
B. 3 dogs that bite people.
C. The condition that arrises when the muscle that connects the kneecap to the shin bone becomes irritated due to overuse, especially from jumping activities.
D. A disease in which people cannot jump or run, they can only walk.


The condition that arrises when the muscle that connects the kneecap to the shin bone becomes irritated due to overuse, especially from jumping activities.

This is the correct definition of patellar tendinitis.


What can you infer about “Dizzy” from the allusion “Like jazz misses Dizzy”?

You can infer that Dizzy was a famous person in Jazz history and/or that Dizzy’s career in jazz music ended. You can infer this because it says that Jazz misses dizzy, which means that he isn’t part of Jazz anymore.


“When I walk onto

the court

I prefer silence

so I can




What type of Sound Devices is this?

This is enjambment. Each line (other than the last) has no punctuation, so it forces the reader to keep reading.


“WOAH! There it is, Filthy, JB says. And even though we’ve seen dad where many times, actually holding his glossy championship ring in our hands is more than magical.” 

What is the tone of this poem?

The tone of this poem is amazed and astounded. JB and Josh are amazed and astounded by being able to hold their dad’s championship ring.


“I can see the red scissors from coach‘s desk smiling at me.” What type of figurative language is this?

This is personification. It is giving the scissors the human characteristic of smiling.


What does crossover mean, as used in:



A. Throwing the ball into the net.
B. Traveling with the ball.
C. To perform a layup.
D. A simple basketball move in which a player dribbles the ball quickly from one hand to the other.


A simple basketball move in which a player dribbles the ball quickly from one hand to the other.

this is the correct definition of crossover.


“Jordan insists that everyone call him JB. His favorite player is Michael Jordan, but he doesn’t want people to think he’s sweating him. Even though he is.” 

What type of Elements and Devices is this quote?

Allusion. It references Michael Jordan, this is one of the times he is mentioned.


“See when I play ball,

I’m on fire.

When I shoot,

I inspire.

The hoop’s for sale

and I’m the buyer.”

What is the rhyme scheme of this short poem?

The rhyme scheme of this short poem is ABCBDB, this is because “ball” doesn’t rhyme with anything else, “shoot” doesn’t rhyme with anything else, “sale” doesn’t rhyme with anything else, and “fire” rhymes with “inspire” and “buyer”.


“Filthy, your brother is putting on a free–throw clinic. You better— And suddenly he bowels over, a look of horror on his face, and starts coughing, while clutching his chest, only no sound comes. I freeze. JB runs over to him. Dad, you okay? he asks. I still can’t move. There is a stream of sweat on dad’s face. Maybe he’s overheating, I say.” 

What tone is conveyed in this poem?

The tone conveyed in this poem is scared. Josh is scared for his dad because he knows his dad may be sick and when he has a look of horror on his face, Josh is scared of what is happening.


“My stomach is a roller coaster” What type of figurative language is this?

This is a metaphor. It is comparing her stomach to a roller coaster, without using like or as and saying it IS.


What does calamity mean as used in:

“I don’t hear my golden lock hit the floor, but I do hear the sound of calamity when Vondie hollers, OH, SNAP!”


A. A funny, ridiculous event; often said to be dumb.

B. An unexpected, undesirable event; often physically injurious.

C. An event that happens for a good reason; happy outcome.

D. The sound of someone yelling; often as a joke.


An unexpected, undesirable event; often physically injurious.

This is the correct definition of Calamity.


What did Josh’s locks symbolize?

Wings. He talks about how his locks were his wings carrying him through the air.


“soaring through the air, his long twisted hair like wings carrying him high above the rim,” What type of Sound device is this?

This is imagery. It causes the reader to imagine a vivid picture of him flying with his hair as wings.


“Then I see JB wink at Miss Sweet tea after he hits a stupid free throw. Today, I finally get into the game at the start of the second half.”

What is the tone of this poem?

The tone of this poem is jealousy and annoyance. Josh is jealous and annoyed about JB’s relationship with Miss Sweet tea, and that JB has a relationship and not him.
