But if you trafficked with spirits in the forest I must know it now, for surely my enemies will, and they will ruin me with it.
who is Reverend Parris
Had an affair with John Proctor
Who is Abigail Williams
Where the story takes place
What is Salem, MA
At the end of the Act Giles says these 2 people have now been accused
Who is Martha and Rebecca
What did Parris see in the forest the night before?
Tituba waving her arms and screeching over the fire, and Abigail and other girls dancing in the woods--and "someone naked running through the trees"
We were dancin' the woods last night, and my uncle leaped in on us.
who is Abigail williams
Lost 7 babies
Who is Goody Putnam
Why Rev. Parris doesn't want people to know his daughter could be bewitched
What is because it would destroy his reputation
what makes Elizabeth suspicious of John
What is he lied about being alone with Abigail
Oldest and most respected lady of the village; hung with John Proctor after refusing to confess
What is Rebecca Nurse
He say Mr. Parris must be kill! Mr. Parris mean man and no gentle man, and he bid me rise out of my bed and cut your throat! But I tell him 'No! I don't hate that man. I don't want to kill that man.
who is Tituba
Admits to dancing with the Devil and writing in his book
Who is Tituba
Abigail drinks a charm to kill _______
What is Elizabeth
Evidence Proctor will have to admit to in order to clear his wife's name
What is the affair with Abigail
Who does Abigail accuse of conjuring spirits?
I cannot think the devil may own a woman's soul, Mr. Hale, when she keeps an upright way, as I have.
who is Elizabeth Proctor
Arrested for the murder of Putnams' babies
Who is Rebecca Nurse
Why is John Proctor and Thomas Putnam arguing
What is about land
Gift Mary Warren gives to Elizabeth
What is doll (or poppet)
What does Giles Corey reveal to Reverend Hale?
He is worried because his wife reads "strange" books at night, and feels that one night he couldn't pray until she stopped reading a book, suspecting witchcraft
You say your only purpose is to save your wife. Good, then, she is saved at least this year, and a year is long. What say you, sir? It is done now. Will you drop this charge?
who is Danforth
Comes to arrest Elizabeth Proctor
Who is Cheever
Why Tituba confesses to meeting the Devil
What is out of fear of being hanged
Makes the Proctor's "suspicious" in the eyes of the court
What is not regular church goers, youngest son is not baptized, cannot remember all of the commandments
Who does Tituba accuse of being a witch?
Sarah Good and Sarah Osborn