The person who had an affair with Abigail Williams.
Who is John Proctor?
The girls were caught _______ that led to the witch hunt.
What is dancing?
Evidence that causes Elizabeth Proctor to be arrested for witchcraft.
What is a poppet with a needle stick into it?
This person states "I denounce these proceedings, I quit this court!"
Who is Reverend Hale?
At the end of the act, these three do not confess to witchcraft.
Who is Rebecca Nurse, Martha Corey, and John Proctor?
Arrived to Salem to investigate accusations of witchcraft.
Who is Reverend John Hale?
Tituba was led into confessing to witchcraft by_____.
What is being whipped and threatened to be hanged?
The other two people arrested along with Elizabeth Proctor.
Who is Martha Corey and Rebecca Nurse?
The animal Abigail "sees" on the rafters as Mary Warren during the trials.
What is a bird?
These two characters end up running away during Act 4.
Who is Abigail Williams and Mercy Lewis?
The minister of Salem and focused on reputation and wealth.
Who is Reverend Parris?
The primary motivation for Abigail Williams in accusing others of witchcraft.
What is her desire for John Proctor?
The commandment John Proctor forgets when Reverend Hale visits his home.
What is adultery?
Describe how Elizabeth's testimony in court hurt John's statement about Abigail.
What is Elizabeth lying to cover up John and Abigail's affair even when he confessed?
The dagger at Reverend Parris's door shocked him for this reason.
What is Reverend Parris is being threatened and he is worried what the town thinks of him?
Refused to give names of people during the trials
Who is Giles Corey?
Abigail drank ____ in the woods.
What is blood?
Mary Warren was told to _______ by John Proctor at the end of Act 2.
What is confess in court that she and the other girls were lying about the whole thing?
Giles Corey states "If George Jacobs hangs for a witch he forfeit his property...there is none but _______ with the coin to buy so great a piece. This man is killing his neighbors for their land!"
Who is Thomas Putnam?
The manner in which Giles Corey was killed.
What is being pressed to death by stones?
Blamed Rebecca Nurse for killing her babies using witchcraft.
Who is Ann Putnam?
Tituba blames these two for being influenced by the devil.
Who is Goody Osborne and Goody Good?
Elizabeth asks John to do this about the trial in the beginning of Act 2.
What is tell the truth?
Mary Warren does this at the end of Act 3.
What is turns around and blames John Proctor of witchcraft?
John Proctor’s ultimate decision regarding his confession
What is he chooses to die rather than falsely confess?