What is the type of religion that the people in Salem practice called?
What is puritanism.
What does the color white symbolize?
What is purity.
Who is the first girl that we are told has been afflicted by something in the play?
Who is Betty.
What does the phrase "spectral evidence" mean?
What is something related to the paranormal world, spirit world, magical, or unknown.
Who is in the forest based on the Puritan's belief?
Who is the devil.
Is this play a work of fiction or non-fiction?
What is fiction with some non-fiction details.
What is happening in the 1950's that is an allegory for this play?
What is McCarthyism or the Red Scare.
Which character lost many babies in this story?
Who is Mrs. Putnam.
What does Theocracy mean?
What is a form of government that combines both religious authority and state authority.
What is the name of the town and state that this story takes place in?
What is Salem, Massachusetts.
What island did Tituba come from?
What is Barbados.
What jumps into the pot over the fire during the girl's dancing in the forest, and what does it symbolize?
What is a frog, and it symbolizes spell casting.
Which character does Abigail hate the most?
Who is Elizabeth Proctor.
What is the word "goody" mean in the Crucible?
What stands for "goodwife" how women were addressed politely in the Crucible.
Whose house is the starting point of the play?
Who is Reverend Parris.
How many people were hanged in Salem during the witch trials in real life?
What is 19 people.
What is being inferred about the relationship between Abigail and John Proctor?
What is that they had a love affair and committed adultery.
Who is the protagonist in this story?
What word means lacking moral discipline or behaving in a way that is not acceptable to society?
What is licentious.
Where do the girls go to dance in the play?
What is the forest.
The people of Salem had what kind of government system?
What is a Theocracy.
What is ironic about religion freedom in this story?
What is the Puritans did not allow religious freedoms in Salem just like they were treated in England before coming to the Americas.
Who is the antagonist in this story?
Who is Abigail.
What word in the Crucible means to make false accusations or misrepresentations to hurt someone's reputation?
What is calumny or defamation.
What is the year that the Salem Witch Trials happened?
What is 1692.