Elizabeth lies to the court about Abigail's affair with Proctor because she
What is wants to avoid shaming her husband.
Giles, Proctor, and Francis come to the court to
What is prove that their wives are innocent.
The setting of Act Four is
What is the Salem jail, the autumn after the trial.
What does Giles Corey do in court that leads to his arrest?
What is He refuses to name the person who accused Thomas Putnam
During the presentation of the evidence, Proctor's behavior toward Danforth can best be described as
What is Respectful
What can the audience infer from Judge Hathorne's questioning of Martha Corey at the beginning of Act Three?
The court presumes that anyone accused of witchcraft is guilty.
Which of the following is a consequence of Mary's going back to the side of the girls?
What is Proctor is arrested.
Hale asks Elizabeth to encourage Proctor to lie because Hale
What is he believes that dying for pride is worse than lying.
After Proctor is taken off to execution, Parris urges Elizabeth to go to her husband in order to
What is try once more to persuade him to confess.
Which idea about the play is applicable today?
A. Superstitions of colonial America are no longer an issue.
B. Belief in the supernatural is ipso facto dangerous.
C. Government is overly concerned with religious issues.
D. Fear and suspicion can lead to injustice.
What is Fear and suspicion can lead to injustice.
In Act Three, Danforth says to Francis, "And do you know that near to four hundred are in the jails from Marblehead to Lynn, and upon my signature?" Based on this dialogue, you can conclude that Danforth is
What is offended that people question his authority.
Which of the following pairs of categories would not be useful for organizing the characters in Act III?
A. Christians and Non-Christians
B. accusers and accused
C. believers in witchcraft and nonbelievers in witchcraft
D. liars and truth tellers
What is Christians and Non-Christians
In Act Four, Hale tries to make up for the harm he has done by
What is getting people to confess.
Why does Hale want Proctor to confess to witchcraft?
What is to save Proctor from execution
Which character represents the tactic of making personal attacks on the integrity of witnesses? A. Herrick B.Danforth C.Hathorne D.Parris
What is Parris
In Act Three, Proctor responds to Parris's statements against Elizabeth by saying, "There might also be a dragon with five legs in my house, but no one has ever seen it." Proctor's use of hyperbole, or exaggeration, shows that he is
What is tired of defending ridiculous accusations without any real proof.
To avoid being questioned about the truth of her accusations, Abigail suggests that she will
What is accuse Danforth of being possessed.
In Act 4 of The Crucible, why does Abigail Williams leave Salem?
What is she fears for her life after the trials have started to unravel.
Parris is particularly worried about hanging Rebecca Nurse and John Proctor because
What is they are considered to be people of good character.
What is ironic about calling the confessions of witchcraft "coming to God"?
A. The confessions are made publicly, not in prayer.
B. The confessions are lies and therefore sins against God.
C. The confessions confirm that sins against God have been committed.
D. Confession saves the confessor from death, thereby postponing the confessor's "coming to God."
What is The confessions are lies and therefore sins against God.
What does John Proctor do to prove that Abigail is lying about the witchcraft accusations?
What is confesses to having an affair with Abigail
In Act 3 of The Crucible, why does Judge Danforth refuse to believe John Proctor's confession about Abigail and the girls' deceit?
What is he fears admitting the truth will undermine the authority of the court and discredit the trials.
In Act Four, Danforth says, "I cannot pardon these when twelve are already hanged for the same crime." Based on this statement, you can conclude that he
What is he is unwilling to admit his mistakes.
The stage directions in Act Four, say that "a wild terror... and a boundless anger" rise within Proctor after he signs the confession. This is because he
A. is embarrassed by the corruption in the court.
B. fears that his wife will also be hanged.
C. worries that his neighbors will be angry.
D.cannot stand to have his name used in a lie.
What is he cannot stand to have his name used in a lie.
A theme represented by Danforth's behavior is that
What is those in power tend to act in the interest of preserving power.