Western Europe
This killed over 50 percent of Europe's population. It comes in 3 different forms and the victim dies with 3 days of contracting it. The first form is pneumonic in which the disease is inhaled through surronding victims. The second form is septicemic in which the disease is obtained by transfer into the blood stream and attacks all the vital systems of the body such as nervous system and immune system. The third and most effective form was the bubonic form which contracted by contact of the skin. This was a nusaince to Europe for about 4 years. There is also a children's song named after it(Ring around the Rosie).
What is the Black Death?
The division between the Eastern and Western sections of Rome. In which the east fell AD 476 and the west, Constantinople fell in AD 1453.
What is the Great Schism?
Very effective route people, cultures, and merchants used to exchange knowledge and trade.
What is the Silk Road?
The king of Mali, Went on the Hajj in 1324.
Who is Mansa Musa?
What allowed creative arts and learning to be pursued by a wider range of people in China during the Song Dynasty.
What is a surplus of rice and other goods?
Frank King who accepted Christianity as his religion and ruled for 38 years. This person separated his land into 350 counties, the Carolingian Empire and was very involved with his kingdom. He was a radical in regards to using God as justification to kill infidels. He's also the first holy Roman Emperor.
What is Charlemagne?
Created a commission to collect, organize, and revise the older Roman laws and put them into one document called the Corpus Juris Civillis. The person who created this was very ambitious as to recreating the great Roman Empire and tried to conquer lands around the Mediterranean.
Who is Justinian?
Persian writer created poetry by using Arabian script. His master script was the Book of Kings.
Who is Firdawsi?
This short empire spanned from the mountains of present Ethiopia to the red sea in Eritrea. The region has Jewish roots but was converted to Christianity in the 300s.
What is Axum?
Scholar-Official class that valued learning above physical labor. Existed in the song dynasty.
What is the gentry class?
This man is responsible for stopping Muslim advances and saving Christianity in Europe.
Who is Charles "the Hammer" Martel?
Linked the trade between Europe and Asia. Built after fall of the old Greek city. Named after the first emperor of the "New Rome".
What is Constantinople?
Adapted from Byzantine buildings, domes and arches become apart of Muslim architecture. Where Muslims go to pray and give service to G-d.
What is a Mosque?
Mansa Musa, converted to this religion and promoted peace within his kingdom or Mali.
What is Islam?
This man was formerly Temujin, he became the ruler of the Mongols. The Mongols were known for their fierceness yet were tolerant for people of other faiths and careers.
What is Genghis Khan?
A loosely organized system system of rule in which powerful lords divide their land holdings among lesser lords. This flourished for 900 years and was driven by the land bound serfs and had the flaw of non-exixtent trade and knowledge between other nations.
What is Feudalism?
Justinian ruled under this power, with complete and absolute power(Pope Urban II).
What is Autocrat or Autocracy
These scholars put all knowledge except the Quran to test of reason. One of the two influenced many Christian scholastics in medieval Europe. The other scholar developed the idea of research and using reliable sources to provide explanation. ( 2 answers required, but 1 answer is fine too)
Who are Ibn Rushd and Ibn Khaldun ?
The House of George is one of the churches cut directly from the rock of mountains here.
What is Lalibela?
Many Technological advantages were made during the tang and song dynasties. Such invention include Block printing, the mechanical clock, and this, which was used by mongols later in cannons.
What is gunpowder?
Leader of the Visogoths
Who is Alaric?
Rebuilt in 532 after destroyed by fire. It also means "Holy Wisdom".
What is the Hagia Sophia?
The base for the word check. Different branches were set up in separate cities to making this more transferable.
What is a sakk ?
Axum thrives off the trade of these due to the harbors on the coast of the red sea, where iron, spices, gems, and cloth came from countries outside of the Indian ocean.
What is Ivory, hides, and gold.
The Man who wrote this in his travels: "First there is the salt, which brings in a great revenue. For its produces every year, in round numbers, a vast sum of money! (This province, you see, adjoins the ocean, on the shores of which are many lagoons or salt marshes, in which the sea-water dries up during the summer time; and thence they extract such a quantity of salt as suffices for the supply of five of the kingdoms of Manzi (South China) besides this one.) "
What is Marco Polo?