What is Hannah's attitude about going to the Seder at the beginning of the book?
She does not want to go and is dreading it.
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Who are zugangi?
The newcomers
Who is Rivka at the end of the book?
Aunt Eva
When Chaya and her family and friends are in the truck, Gitl begins to sing a song. One verse of the song is "Sir, give me a piece of bread, Look at me so pare and dead."
What literary device is used in this verse?
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How old is Hannah?
Who was Hannah named after?
Aunt Eva's dead friend, Chaya
What happened to Hannah when her hair was shaved?
She could no longer recall anything from the past?
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What happened to Reuven?
He was sent to Lilith's cave.
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Two wooden boxcars squatted on a nearby siding.
What figurative language is being used?
What genre is the novel?
Historical Fiction
How is Aunt Eva related to Grandpa Will?
They are brother and sister.
What is the midden?
The garbage dump in the concentration camp
According to the epilogue, what did Gitl do after the camp was liberated in 1945?
She organized a rescue mission and started an adoption agency.
"Suddenly heard a child's voice, as if from far away, singing, Hannah, look where I hid..."
What type of irony is being used?
Dramatic Irony
What is the afikoman?
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In the beginning of the novel, Hannah struggles to make sense of what is happening to her. What type of conflict is this?
What does Malach ha-mavis mean?
Angel of Death
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What is the theme of "The Devil's Arithmetic?"
Answers will vary
"And the blood on the snow, my Uncle Moishe who was there said, was like rose petals falling."
What type of figurative language is being used?
What name does Gitl constantly call the Nazis?
What does the badchan remind Hannah of?
A court jester
Who is the protagonist in the novel?
What does Chaya's name mean?
It means life
"Yes, Gitl," Rachel said. "And there is a witch who shoves little boys into ovens and eats them!"
This reference to the fairy tale "Hansel and Gretel" is called which type of figurative language?
Double Jeopardy
What is "The Devil's Arithmetic?"
Answers will vary