Who was the youngest of three half sisters?
Zubaida (Paragraph 1)
What is her first wish?
a date cake (paragraph 9)
Where was the coming of age party?
the palace (paragraph 12)
When would Zubaida make her wishes?
when her sisters went out (paragraph 11)
Why did Zubaida often go hungry
her sisters spent her money, only letting her keep a few dirhams (paragraph 1 or 3)
Who said, "You can't go out in those worn out, old clothes."?
Zubaida's sisters (paragraph 13)
What does Zubaida make?
carpet (paragraph 1, 2, 11)
Where did Zubaida enter the party?
the women's quarters (paragraph 15)
When did the 3 sisters start living together?
when their mothers died (paragraph 1)
Why did her sisters not let her go to the party?
she had worn out old tattered clothes (paragraph 13)
Who said, "Ask for what you wish and you will have it?"
the genie (Paragraph 8)
What did Zubaida drop in the water trough?
her diamond anklet (paragraph 18)
Where did she drop one of her anklets?
the water trough by the palace stables (paragraph 18)
When did she realize the clay jar was more than just a flower pot?
when she heard a deep voice coming from inside the jar (paragraph 8)
long brown hair, almond-shaped eyes, lips bright as pomegranate seeds, delicate feet
Who gave Zabaida the clay jar?
the old man (paragraph 4)
What was the old man wearing?
a simple turban (paragraph 4)
Where does she sell her carpets?
at the souk (paragraph 3)
When did Zubaida leave the party?
when she heard her sisters say their goodbyes (paragraph 17)
Why did she take off her anklets?
to avoid making any noise (paragraph 18)
Who enjoys hunting?
The Shah's son (Paragraph 16)
What does she wear to the palace party?
a shimmering silk robe, matching veil and slippers, diamond anklets and bracelets (paragraphs 13 & 14)
Where did she exit the palace?
side door (paragraph 17)
When did Zubaida weave carpets?
from morning until night (paragraph 2)
Why did the old man hold out a small clay jar to Zubaida?
Because it will bring her happiness (paragraph 4)