The many authors of the bible were this.
Human Authors
According to this theory of inspiration, God alone is the author of the Bible.
Dictation Theory
When Jesus and the early members of the Church used the word Scripture, they were referring to what we now call this.
The Old Testament
The Bible does not contain any errors about this.
The Truths of Faith
This Christian writer was the first to use the term New Testament in 200 A.D.
Catholics believe that God is the author of this.
God-As-Assistant Theory
Jesus and the early members of the church believed that this was divinely inspired and was handed down from their Jewish heritage.
The truth of Scripture is this.
The Truth of Faith
This Apostle was sent to Saul to tell him what to do after he was blinded.
This is the special influence of the Holy Spirit on the human authors of the Bible.
Divine Inspiration
The Holy Spirit
The Second Vatican Council opened in this year.
The Church only recognizes this amount of books as being truly inspired by God.
This Apostle was not martyred.
The Bible is not like any other book because it has this.
Divine Origin
Catholics profess their belief in this at every liturgy.
Divine Inspiration
This document, created by the Second Vatican Council, deals with God's revelation of himself to us and how that revelation is transmitted through time.
The Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation
This word comes from the Greek word meaning "measuring rod."
This Apostle's name comes from the word meaning "rock"
One of the most important books in the world, this book was discovered in 1844 at the monastery of Saint Catherine at Mount Sanai, and is the oldest complete New Testament known to exist.
The Codex Sinaiticus
Name this passage in the Bible; "It is easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than for one who is rich to enter the kingdom of God."
The Rich Young Man
The word inspiration comes from a word meaning this.
"to breath"
This is the official list of biblical books.
The Canon of Scripture
This man was a Polish astronomer whose theories about the movement of the Sun challenged the way people looked at the world.