What country is located North of South Korea
North Korea
What is Rupert the Bear's middle name?
Finish the Lyrics:
Rah, rah-ah-ah-ah
Roma, roma-ma
Gaga, ooh-la-la
Want your bad romance
What animal can hold it's breath the longest underwater?
A fish
Half-fish, half-woman sells vocal cords to kiss random guy
The Little Mermaid 2
Complete the following movie title:
"Finding _____"
Finding Dory
If you have a bowl with six apples and you take away four, how many do you have?
The four that you took
Who calls herself "Mrs. Poopie"
Ice Spice
What animal is known for being able to jump higher than a house?
Most of them, houses can't jump
Old man pretends to teach teenage boy martial arts to make him do chores
The Karate Kid
Scoobert Doo
Whenever A is true, B is always true. If A is false, what do we know about B
What did T-pain rhyme mansion with?
What is the coldest country in the world?
Reclusive weirdo and his mutant employees lure children into his factory with sweets then dispose of them one by one
Charlie and The Chocolate Factory
Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is the fear of what
Long words
How much was $1.00 worth in 1961
Who rapped the line "Now why did they make yoo-hoo? Pippity-kaka-poo-poo"
Despite what many believe, this is actually the tallest mountain in the world
Mount Everest
Animated film with cowboy and astronaut
Toy Story 2
What was the last letter added to the alphabet
A healer a wizard and a tank walk into a bar. What is wrong with this sentence?
There is no comma
Name 5 ways to say you died
Went down in an airplane, Fried getting suntanned, Fell in a cement mixer full of quicksand, Met a shark under water, Fell and no one caught her, Caught in a mudslide, Eaten by a lion, Got run over by a crappy purple Scion, Dried up in the desert, Drowned in a hot tub, Danced to death at an east side night club
Name a big number
Everyone does the Ice Bucket Challenge