Washington Administration
Jefferson Administration
Foreign Affairs
War of 1812

Every decision and act that Washington made during his early presidency became a tradition that would be followed moving forward

What is a precedent?


This attempt at avoiding war was aimed at bankrupting the British, but actually ended up crushing the American economy. 

What is the Embargo of 1807?


Hoping to avoid war with France, Adams sent diplomats to negotiate. They were insulted, and laughed out of the room. This event became known as...

What is the XYZ Affair?


The strange timing of this victory led many Americans to believe it had forced the British to surrender and sign the Treat of Ghent.

What is the Battle of New Orleans?


He declared US neutrality in foreign wars and set many precedents in early America

Who is George Washington?


Of the first two political parties, this one used "implied powers" to loosely interpret the Constitution. 

Who are the Federalists?

A series of conflicts between the US Navy and the North African nations of Morocco, Algiers, Tunis, and Tripoli. 

What are the Barbary Wars?


In response to the Quasi War with France, Adams supported a series of acts to prevent enemy interference in the US. These also silenced political opposition. 

What are the Alien and Sedition Acts?


Young senators who advocated for war as a way to restore national honor and remove the British from North America.

Who are the War Hawks?


The 1st Secretary of the Department of War

Who is Henry Knox?


This called for selling bonds and raising taxes to pay down the nation's debts.

What is Hamilton's Plan?


To avoid British naval sanctions, this allowed for American merchants to export goods from the French West Indies, into America, and then to France.

What is re-export trade?

This agreement removed the British from their forts on American soil and forced America to pay her debts to Britain.

What is Jay's Treaty?


Marking a symbolic victory for the British, this building was destroyed when the British invaded Maryland.

What is the White House?


One of the leaders of the 1st US Expedition of the Louisiana Territory in 1804

Who is William Clark? (Or Merriweather Lewis)


This act set up the US Federal Court System (district courts, circuit courts, and the SCOTUS)

What is the Judiciary Act of 1789?

In order to gain control of the Mississippi River, expand the nation's agricultural economy, and double it's territory, Jefferson completed this transaction with the French.

What is the Louisiana Purchase?


This agreement gave the US access to the Mississippi River and set the southern border with Spanish Florida

What is Pinckney's Treaty?


As a result of their opposition to the war, this political party experienced a fall from grace and ceased to exist by 1820. 

Who are the Federalists?


A long serving Chief Justice of the Supreme Court he came up with the idea of Judicial Review

Who is John Marshall?

This was a chance for Washington and Hamilton to show the strength of their government. A chance to flex.  

What is the Whiskey Rebellion?


Founded by Jefferson and Madison, this political party favored a strict interpretation of the Constitution to limit the power of the federal government. 

Who are the Democratic-Republicans?


During their war with Napoleon, the British kidnapped over 6000 American soldiers to serve in the British Navy. This is known as....

What is impressment?


Failing to address the issue of impressment, this agreement ended the war and agreed to restore all pre-war boundaries?

What is the Treaty of Ghent?


While serving as Vice President he shot and killed one of his political rivals

Who is Aaron Burr?
