In which hemisphere do we find more land?
The Northern Hemisphere
What is the latitude of the Equator?
0 degrees
What does the Earth orbit around?
The sun
If a scale on a map is 1:25000 then 1cm will equal....
25000cm or 250m
Why is the Earth divided into 24 time zones?
Because it takes 24hrs to complete 1 rotation
What are the Earth´s 2 types of movement?
Rotation and orbit
What causes the alternation of day and night?
The rotation of the Earth
If it is Spring in the Southern Hemisphere what season is it in the Northern Hemisphere?
Which part of the Earth will be most distorted if we use a cylindrical projection?
The poles
If it is 9pm at night in Lebrija, what time is it in Sydney, Australia?
7am the following day
Why do we sometimes call the Earth the ´blue planet' ?
Because most of its surface is covered by water
Approximately how long does the Earth take to rotate?
24 hrs
How often do we have a leap year and why?
Because the Earth takes 365 days & 6 hours to orbit the sun, so every 4 years we get an extra day
On a map with a scale of 1:400000, two points are 5cm apart. How many km are between them in reality?
What is the difference between a topographic map and a thematic map?
Topographic maps represent both physical and human aspects while thematic maps only show geographical aspects.
On how many planets does life exist in our solar system?
1 – the Earth
What is the name of meridian 0 that is located in England?
What causes the seasons?
The inclination of the sun’s rays
Which method of map projection is best used for representing the polar areas?
a) Cylindrical
b) Conical
c) Projection onto a plane
c) Projection onto a plane
If it is 2pm in London and 6pm in Buenos Aires, approximately how many degrees of longitude do you think separate them?
The Earth is a perfect sphere. True or false?
false – it is wider at the equator than at the poles & the surface is not even due to variations in topography
What is the maximum latitude and longitude of Earth?
Max lat = 90 N/S, max long = 180 E/W
Why is it warmer closer to the equator and colder closer to the poles?
The suns rays hit the equator more directly at a steeper angle