Earth's orbit around the sun.
What is revolution?
What is salt water?
Groups of plants & animals that depend on each other & environment in which they live for survival
What are ecosystems?
Places that receive less than 25cm of rain per year
What are desert climates?
Resources that Earth replaces naturally
23.5 degrees from vertical
What is Earth's tilt?
One of the most important source of surface water.
What are lakes?
Used to explain how forces below Earth’s surfaces have shaped landforms. Plates move several inches a year.
What is the theory of plate tectonics?
The largest, most destructive storms.
What are hurricanes/ typhoons?
A dark liquid used to make fuels and other products
What is petroleum?
Receives direct sunlight.
What are low attitude areas?
Driven by sun’s energy.
What is the water cycle?
Could be shaped by landforms.
What are cultures and languages?
Determines tropical, temperate, and polar climate zones.
What is latitude?
Likely to arise in areas where more than one group wants to use same resource
What is conflict?
One pole tilted away from sun & the other towards it.
What is winter and summer?
Large streams of surface seawater
What are ocean currents?
Can wear away or build up landforms
What is erosion?
The weight of air changes with it.
What is temperature?
Rich in oil but lack water
What is Saudi Arabia?
Periods when poles tilt neither towards nor away from sun.
What is Spring and Autumn?
Makes the temperature of land nearby milder.
What are large bodies of water?
Extreme changes in ecosystems can cause species to die out.
What is extinction?
Highly destructive, uprooting trees and tossing large vehicles through air.
What are tornadoes?
Work to stabilise oil markets & ensure steady income to member states
What is the Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)?