The place where two or more tectonic plates come together (spell + sign)
What does "problem + solution" mean?
something that prevents you from continuing, and then how you fix it
The earth's surface is broken up into many huge pieces called ______________.
What is a sensor?
Something that detects a sound, smell, touch and initiates a response.
a means of approaching or entering a space (spell + sign)
What does "cause + effect" mean?
Something that happens, and then what happens afterward as a result
This place has more active volcanoes than anywhere on Earth.
The Ring of Fire
Why do people volunteer to adopt sirens?
To check the batteries and make sure they're still operable in case of emergency.
to say something will happen in the future (spell + sign)
Cause: tectonic plates shift along a fault
Effect: _____________
Name one country besides the USA that is in the Ring of Fire.
Japan, Indonesia, Chile
What made Sebastian want to create his early warning system?
He saw it on TV while watching Japan's earthquake.
to make something start or happen (spell + sign)
Cause: Natural disasters destroy buildings and houses.
Effect: _______________
many people are left homeless
The Ring of Fire is on the _____________ coast of America.
What technology can help warn people about natural disasters?
alarms, sensors, app, sirens, etc.
causing damage to people or things (spell + sign)
Solution: early warning system
people didn't have time to prepare for an earthquake
What kinds of disasters happen around the Ring of Fire? (there's 3)
Earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes
Explain how Sebastian's early warning system works.
sensors connected to a computer sends out Twitter message