UAM-Horizontal and Vertical
Projectile Motion
Mechanical Energy

Uniformly Accelerated Motion: Horizontal Dimension

If a body maintains a constant change in its velocity in a given time interval along a straight line, then the body is said to have a uniform _________.



The path of an object under projectile motion behaves like a ________.



The linear momentum of an object can be calculated by multiplying the mass of the object by its ______.



What do you call the encounter between two objects resulting in exchange of impulse and momentum?



The energy possess by an object due to its position or location. Thus, the higher the position of the object, the higher the ______.

Gravitational Potential Energy


A ball is in free fall. Upward is taken to be the positive direction. The displacement of the ball during a short time interval is: 

A. positive during both ascent and descent 

B. negative during both ascent and descent 

C. negative during ascent and positive during descent 

D. positive during ascent and negative during descent 

E. none of the above

D. positive during ascent and negative during descent


A baseball is thrown vertically into the air. The acceleration of the ball at its highest point is: 

A. zero 

B. g, down 

C. g, up 

D. 2g, down 

E. 2g, up

B. g, down


When a golf club hits a golf ball the change in momentum of the ball is _____ the change in momentum of the club.

equal to


An inelastic collision is one in which: 

A. momentum is not conserved but kinetic energy is conserved 

B. total mass is not conserved but momentum is conserved 

C. neither kinetic energy nor momentum is conserved 

D. momentum is conserved but kinetic energy is not conserved 

E. the total impulse is equal to the change in kinetic energy

D. momentum is conserved but kinetic energy is not conserved


A good example of kinetic energy is provided by: 

A. a wound clock spring 

B. the raised weights of a grandfather’s clock 

C. a tornado 

D. a gallon of gasoline 

E. an automobile storage battery

C. a tornado


A feather, initially at rest, is released in a vacuum 12 m above the surface of the earth. Which of the following statements is correct? 

A. The maximum velocity of the feather is 9.8 m/s 

B. The acceleration of the feather decreases until terminal velocity is reached 

C. The acceleration of the feather remains constant during the fall 

D. The acceleration of the feather increases during the fall 

E. The acceleration of the feather is zero

C. The acceleration of the feather remains constant during the fall


The horizontal displacement of the projectile is called ________ and depends on the initial velocity of the object.

range of the projectile


The impulse-momentum relationship is a direct result of

A. Newton's 1st law. 

B. Newton's 2nd law. 

C. Newton's 3rd law. 

D. Newton's law of gravity.

B. Newton's 2nd law


An everyday example of impulse is when a football player exerts a force on the quarterback to change his momentum. The impulse is equal to the product of the force the player exerts and the ______ they are in contact.



When an object's speed doubles, its kinetic energy ________.



A heavy object and a light object are dropped at the same time from rest in a vacuum. The heavier object reaches the ground:

At the same time as the lighter object


The angle between the initial velocity of a body from a horizontal plane through which the body is thrown, is known as the _____________.

angle of projection


A freight train rolls along a track with considerable momentum. If it rolls at the same speed but has twice as much mass, its momentum is ______.



You're driving down the highway and a bug spatter into your windshield. Which undergoes the greater change in momentum during the time of contact? 

A. the bug 

B. your car 

C. both the same  

C. both the same


A 2-kg block is thrown upward from a point 20 m above Earth’s surface. At what height above Earth’s surface will the gravitational potential energy of the Earth-block system have increased by 500 J?

46 m


According to him: “I discovered in the heavens many things that had not been seen before our own age”.

 A free-falling object is an object that is falling under the sole influence of gravity. Any object that is being acted upon only by the force of gravity is said to be in a state of free fall. 

Who first proposed the law of falling bodies? 

Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) was the first to determine, at the start of the seventeenth century, the law of constant acceleration of free-falling bodies. 


A ball is thrown vertically up from a 240 m tall tower with a speed of 40 m/s. If g is taken 10m/s2, the time taken by the ball to reach the ground will be

12 s


A supersonic bomber, with a mass of 21,000 kg, departs from its home airbase with a velocity of 400 m/s due east. What is the jet's momentum?

p = 8,400,000 kg m/s east


A 0.15kg baseball moving at 26 m/s is slowed to a stop by a catcher who exerts a constant force of -390 N. How long does it take this force to stop the ball?

∆t = 0.10 s


A picture frame falls off the wall. Considering the presence of air, how does the kinetic energy (KE) just before striking the floor compare to the potential energy (PE) at its hanging point?

A. KE is equal to PE.

B. KE is greater than PE.

C. KE is less than PE.

D. It is impossible to tell.

C. KE is less than PE.
