This bird was chosen as the United States national bird.
What is the eagle?
One of the earliest American cultures, this tribe was well known for their many burial mounds.
Who are the Hopewell Indians?
They lived in the area now known as Florida and consisted of runaway slaves (both Indian and black) and a mixture of Creek, Choctaw, and Chickasaw Indians.
Who are the Seminoles?
Who are the Wampanoags?
A native of Connecticut, he dedicated his short life to missionary work among the Indians, training six Indians to preach the gospel before he died at age 29 of tuberculosis.
Who is Daniel Brainerd?
This bird was Benjamin Franklin's choice for the United States national bird.
What is the wild turkey?
Fierce fighters known for torturing their captives or adopting them into their tribe, this tribe was given their name, which means "man-eaters," by their enemies.
Who are the Mohawks?
This tribe lived in communal villages of bark-covered houses during the summer and hunting camps with small family groups during the winter.
Who are the Shawnees?
A gentle tribe, they quickly adopted the ways of the white man while many became Christians. They kept a pictorial chronicle of their history and traditions.
Who are the Delaware?
Setting up 14 towns, he trained several Indians to become pastors, ensured Indians learned trades, and translated the Bible into the Indians' native language. He became known as the "Apostle to the Indians."
Who is John Eliot?
As one of the biggest and fiercest mammals of the Eastern Woodlands, many Indian hunters earned great respect hunting this.
What is the black bear?
Similar to log cabins, these homes of the Iroquois could be 100 feet long with a row of cooking fires down the center and families living on opposite sides of the fire.
What are longhouses?
This area in what is now southern Florida is a low, marshy land of tall grasses and swamps, so those Indians living there built their houses on tall platforms.
What are the everglades?
After meeting the Pilgrims, this chief signed a treaty with the Pilgrims, promising that his people would not hurt the settlers. He also led his people to help the Pilgrims learn to survive.
Who is Massasoit?
This nickname was for the 4,000 Indians who would learn of God's love from a missionary that helped set up 14 towns with churches.
What is the "praying Indians"?
Used as tokens of friendship or money, these beads were made from the shells of the quahog.
What is wampum?
This tribe, not a member of the Iroquois League of Five Nations, was helpful to white settlers around NC and the Great Smoky Mts.
Who are the Cherokees?
A large and powerful nation who lived in parts of Tennessee, Georgia, and Alabama; this tribe built towns around plazas and the English named them after the natural landform some lived near.
Who are the Creek Indians?
Learning English from fisherman, he was able to greet the Pilgrims in their language and introduce them to his chief.
Who was Samoset?
Who is John Campanius?
Sometimes called American elk, these animals were used as meat and clothing while their antlers were used for decorations and tools.
What are wapiti?
These five tribes formed the Iroquois League of Five Nations in order to unite the tribes in common defense of their territories.
Who are the Mohawk, Oneida, Onondaga, Cayuga, and Seneca tribes?
This tribe's name, meaning "southerners," is fitting given that they lived in the southern areas of Kentucky, southern Illinois, and Indiana.
Who are the Shawnees?
William Penn fought to treat this tribe fairly, and at least one member of the tribe would later assist frontiersman "Kit" Carson as he traveled west.
Who are the Delaware?
The founder of Rhode Island, he befriended the Narragansett with his kindness, leading them to the Lord due to his testimony; he also founded America's first Baptist church.
Who is Roger Williams?