In what year was the Central University of Ecuador founded?
In 1620
How many levels of education have in Ecuador?
Who promoted the development of education with the national literacy plan?
Jaime Roldós
What is the pedagogical method that is still used today in University?
What is the stage where children form their knowledge to move on to university education?
Can other forms of evaluations be carried out in addition to exams?
Who is the current rector of the Universidad Central?
PhD. Fernando Sempértegui Ontaneda
At what period do children begin to write and read?
In pre-school
3 carrers were inaugurated in the uce this year. Which are?
Bioprocess engineering, mechanical engineering and educational psychology
How old is the Central University of Quito?
367 years old
In what stage do adolescents train to graduate from high school?
secondary education
According to new studies, did education in Ecuador improve or worse in the last year?
Got better