Everything is viewed as either one extreme or the other. Extreme thinking says there is no middle ground. For example, the world is either black or white. There are no shades of gray.
What is Extreme thinking ( all-or-nothing thinking)
We pick and choose certain parts of an event or situation and focus only on those things. What we focus on may be something good or bad. If some facts don't support what we already believe, we block them out.
What is selective focus (looking at only one small piece of what happened)?
We convince ourselves that the world is out to get us, that we're the victims of bad luck. We have a hard time taking responsibility for what happens to us. We see ourselves as the victim. What thinking pattern is this?
What is "self-pity" stance?
We have plenty of energy and drive to keep the addiction going, but not enough for day to day obligations and responsibilities. We think somehow everything else will magically take care of itslef, if only we can keep using. We don't think about school, work, or family obligations because they're too boring. What thinking pattern am I?
What is selective effort?
What is Jack's last name in The Nightmare Before Christmas?
What is Skellington?
Because something happened once or twice, it must always be true. For example, overgeneralizing thinkers tend to believe that if one person lies to them, the " You can't trust anybody."
What is overgeneralization ("always" or "never" thinking)
We focus on the details of an event or situation, but we don't try to understand the message behind the situation. We take things literally-at face value-and have trouble generalizing from one event to the next.
What is concrete thinking (stubborn, " I know what's right" thinking)?
We overlook all of the damage we're doing to others and ourselves; instead, we selectively remember only the good things we've done. What is this thinking pattern call?
What is " good person" stance?
Lying is a main feature of a substance use disorder. We lie to ourselves through denial about our addiction. We also lie to others, using false information, half-truths, omitted truths, and outright lies to keep others from challenging our addiction. What thinking pattern is this.
What is deceit to control?
What is the chemical name for water?
What is H2O?
Everything that happens around you is always all about you. This thinking distortion makes all events somehow only about you and your life, even when there is no real connection.
What is personalization (making everything about us)
We tended to justify our negative behavior and blame other people or events when things go wrong. We often overlook what our attitudes and actions had to do with an event. We don't take the time to look at the part we played in the situation. For example, we blame our addiction on the stress resulting from conflicts in our relationships.
What is actor versus observer (thinking we are never at fault or responsible for our behavior)?
We think we're very different and special, and that the destructive nature of addiction doesn't apply to us. We tend to have lots of stories about mysterious, tragic, or adventurous live. Can you name this thinking pattern?
What is "unique person" stance?
With addictive thinking, we'll sacrifice everything-our health, relationships, family, freedom, reputation in our community-to get momentary pleasure of being high. We can't tolerate being uncomfortable; we want to relieve discomfort as soon as possible by using. What do you call this thinking pattern.
What is seek pleasure first?
What color is Smurfette’s skin?
What is blue?
Sometimes we can blow things out of proportion, or we downplay the situations impact or significance.
What is magnification and minimization (making something greater or smaller than it really is)
When our thinking is confined, no one can convince us of anything more than we think we already "know." We're not listening to or trusting new information. We lack self-awareness and aren't open to any new ways of looking at things or doing things.
What is closed thinking (no one can tell us differently)?
As people addicted to alcohol or other drugs, we don't want to stop using. In fact, we're afraid to stop-using-we're afraid of confronting ourselves and our real situations, because then we'd have to change. Instead, we run to people who support or addiction and avoid those who don't. This is call what thinking pattern.
What is fear of exposure?
We fail to recognize healthy boundaries. In fact, our boundaries are on-way: "What's mine is mine, and what's yours is mine." Our obsession with using makes us disregard the property rights of others-we believe it's okay to steal from others to cheat them, so we can get what we want in order to keep using.
What is "ownership" stance?
Who is Spongebob Squarepants’ best friend
Who is Patrick Star?
We think we know where things are headed and make a snap decision with little reason or no evidence. We don't wait around for the facts or find out what they are, because we've already reached our own conclusions. We think we know it all. Ex. Your parole officer says he needs to talk, you immediately assume you're in trouble.
What is jumping to conclusions (assuming something without getting all the facts.)
Our feelings are the ultimate guide to how we think about things and what we do. We react according to what we feel and base our actions on how we are feeling instead of on what we think.
What is emotional reasoning (making conclusions based on feelings)?
The only thing on our minds is getting high; we don't think about our using history and what it has cost us, and we don't think about the consequences of using in the future. What thinking pattern am I?
What is lack of time perspective?
Thomas has lots of stories about the wild adventures he's had using drugs. He's traveled to partied in many remote places. He thinks old classmates who still meet at the local bar to hang out and use are losers. His drug is different. What is Thomas thinking pattern?
a. "ownership" stance
b. "good person stance"
c. "unique person" stance
What is " unique person" stance
What are the colors on the American flag?
What are red, blue and white?