The ducks ___ up to the children to get something to eat.
A. hatch
B. waddled
C. miserable
D. wanted
A penguin does not have hands, but it has ___.
A. flippers
B. slippery
C. hatch
D. horizon
In this book, Antartica is called a big ____.
A. lake
B. meadow
C. island
D. jungle
The female penguin spends the winter ___.
A. finding food for her baby
B. protecting her egg
C. swimming in the ocean
D. getting food for the male penguin
swimming in the ocean
A baby penguin is called a ___.
A. hen
B. pup
C. child
D. chick
We are sad and ___ because our cat is lost.
A. slippery
B. hatch
C. waddled
D. miserable
In this book, who lives on Antartica?
A. many children
B. penguins
C. ducks
D. no one
A father penguin keeps the egg warm by ___.
A. sitting on it
B. putting the egg under its tummy
C. putting it on the snow and ice
D. putting it under the mother's tummy
putting the egg under its tummy
Every adult penguin has its own special ___.
A. call
B. fingerprint
C. nose
D. whistle
A hen sits on her eggs until they ___.
A. hatch
B. horizon
C. miserable
D. waddled
In summer, the weather on Antartica is ___.
A. hot and sunny
B. cold and windy
C. rainy and hot
D. really nice
cold and windy
How long does it take a penguin egg to hatch?
A. two days
B. two weeks
C. two months
D. two summers
two months
Name two things that a father penguin does to care for a baby penguin.
* sits on the egg
* keeps the egg safe
* feeds the chick milk from his throat
* protects the egg and baby chick
I saw the sun appear on the ___.
A. waddled
B. slippery
C. horizon
D. miserable
____ penguin takes care of the Emperor penguin egg.
A. grandfather
B. baby
C. father
D. mother
Winter in Antartica begins in ___.
A. December
B. March
C. July
D. May
How does a father penguin get food for his baby?
He spits a milk-like substance from his throat
THe ice on the pond is cold and ___.
A. flippers
B. slippery
C. waddled
D. horizon
The female penguin is ___ than the male penguin.
A. smaller
B. sadder
C. bigger
D. tamer
Penguins have ___ to help them keep warm.
A. no fat under their skin
B. feathers and fur
C. lots of fat under their skin
D. a big fur coat
lots of fat under their skin