page 99 - 120
God keeps breaking your heart until it?
5 ways to love your passengers......what is number #3
to recognize them
What time of day did the main character realize he idea worked?
2 AM
What is Rule #1
You're the Driver of your Bus
What is the name of the Bus Driver?
The hearts electromagnetic field is how many times more powerful than the brain?
How did the main character feel about the 5 ways to love your passenger
One of the bus driver's favorite qutoes is. Too Blessed, to Be.........
What is Rule #3
Fuel your ride with Positive Energy
What is the name of the main character?
How far away can the hearts electromagnetic field can be detected up to how many feet away?
Who gave one of his employees a second chance and the guy becaome one of the most trusted leaders over the years
*DAILY DOUBLE!!!!!!!!*
Richard Branson
Don't go through life with regrets is advice from what age group?
a. 50 year olds d. 105 year olds
b. 75 year olds
c. 95 year olds
95 year olds
What is Rule #5
Don't waste your energy on those who don't get on your bus
Where did the main character work?
NRG Company
What does CEO stand for in the book "The Energy Bus?"
Chief Energy Officer
The main focus of chapter 29 is Drive with.........
What gift did the main character give the bus driver for the bus?
a new sign with the rules
What is Rule #8
Love your passengers
Who is the author of "The Energy Bus"
Jon Gordan
Emotional Intelligience (EI) is responsible for what percent of adult success?
a. 25% d. 90%
b. 50%
c. 80%
c. 80%
Who had given the main character the paper as he walked into his office building?
The best legacy you could leave is............
name on a building, piece of jewelry, a positive impact on the world
What is Rule #10
Have Fun and Enjoy the Ride
What is the bus number in the book?
Bus #11