The first permanent English settlement
What is Jamestown?
Settled by Puritans and Pilgrims seeking religious freedom
What is Massachusetts?
Settled by the Dutch in 1660
What is New Jersey?
Established in Virginia, it was the first representative assembly in the American colonies
What is The House of Burgesses?
Founder of Pennsylvania
Who is William Penn?
States mainly settled to farm cash crops
What is North and South Carolina?
State that had no religious persecution
What is Rhode Island?
Settled by William Penn in 1682
What is Pennsylvania?
Signed in 1620, it was an agreement to form a government based on majority rule, laying the foundation for self-governance
What is The Mayflower Compact?
Founder of Georgia
Who is James Oglethorpe?
Served as a buffer state between South Carolina and Spanish Florida
What is Georgia?
Later became Maine
What is Massachusetts?
Was peacefully taken from the Dutch by the British
What is New York?
A 1676 uprising in Virginia triggered by economic struggles of freed indentured servants and land disputes with Native Americans
What is Bacon’s Rebellion?
Founder of Rhode Island
Who is Roger Williams?
Economy relied on tobacco farming
What is Virginia?
Settled by David Thomson in 1623
What is New Hampshire?
William Penn was granted control over it as part of Pennsylvania in 1681
What is Delaware?
Issued by Britain to restrict colonial expansion west of the Appalachian Mountains following the French and Indian War
What is The Proclamation of 1763?
Lead Bacon’s Rebellion
Who is Nathaniel Bacon?
Was 100 million acres of land for persecuted catholics
What is Maryland?
State that created the first written constitution
What is Connecticut?
One of the only colonies to welcome quakers with a Quaker leader
What is Pennsylvania?
Marked the end of significant Native American resistance in New England
What is King Philip’s War?
Leader of the Native American Resistance
Who is King Philip?