What is the most used adjective in the English language?
How many sounds are there in the English language?
What is the meaning of the following idiom?
"a piece of cake"
Something is easy to do
The word "bouquet" was borrowed from the ________ language.
Which English writer had one of the largest vocabularies? (30 000 words)
Name 3 different ways to pronounce -ch in English.
/k/, /tʃ /, /ʃ /
What is the meaning of the following idiom?
"To hit the sack"
To go to sleep
What language has English borrowed the most words from?
English is a member of which family of languages?
Which English sound is never stressed?
What is the meaning of the following idiom?
"To spill the beans"
To tell people secret information
In the Russian language there is the word "чифанька".
What language was it borrowed from and what is the meaning?
It was borrowed from Chinese.
In Chinise the word 吃饭 means to eat something.
The word "Thursday" got its name from a God.
What was this God's name?
In which English city do people speak Scouse accent?
What is the meaning of the following idiom?
‘To roll up your sleeves’
To prepare to work hard or to fight
Which language once had the longest word in the world, consisting of 63 letters?
The German language once had the 63-letter word Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz in its arsenal. However, this word, meaning ‘the law concerning the delegation of duties for the supervision of cattle marking and the labelling of beef’ was considered too much of a mouthful even for German bureaucrats, and the word is now obsolete.
What was the name of the first English dictionary?
When was it published?
Table Alphabeticall, the first English dictionary.
It was published in 1604.
What is a diphthong?
a vowel sound in which the tongue changes position to produce the sound of two vowels
What is the meaning of the following idiom?
"To beat around the bush"
To avoid saying something.
This language is the youngest official language in the world. What is it?