Body language
If you said something like: the conscious and unconscious movements and postures by wich attitudes and feelings are communicated.
But if you just said like: Body language is the use of physical behaviour, expressions, and mannerisms to communicate nonverbally, often done instinctively rather than consciously.
What is the third step in a hero's journey
meeting the mentor
is joker heroism or villainy
what is a myth
myth is not true or false its a story
the mental and moral qualities distinctive to an individual.
true or false the call to the adventure is the second step
False it is the first
true or false heros are villainy
where doses the word myth come from
it comes from the word mythos a Greek word meaning story of word
who is the most known god
Characterization is the way an author or an actor describes or shows what a character is like.
true or false Australia is the biggest country that learns English
False United Kingdom is
who is someone we learnt about while looking at heroism and villainy non fiction
what can be said: sorry if there misspelled
Police, Parents, Barock o Bama, Fred Hallos, Robbers, Hitler, Serial Killer, Jeffery Bahama, Putin, Kim Jong Un or Osama bin Caden.
what is the purpose of a myth
they can find out things about the past
to entertain
warn people or animals from danger
how was Athena born
she was born on her father Zeus's forehead
A genre is a specific type of music, film, or writing.
what is the second last step to a hero's journey
what are 5 heroic traits
selflessness, empathy, bravery, fairness, helpful
how far do myths go back
sixth century CCE
who is artemis
the goddess of wild animals, hunting, vegetation, childbirth and of chastity
Satire is the art of making someone or something look ridiculous, raising laughter in order to embarrass, humble, or discredit its targets.
what is the 5th step in the hero's journey
tests allies and enemies
the hero needs to find out who they can trust
in Percy Jackson who is the villain
what is the oldest myth
the epic of Gilgamesh
who is Hypnos
the god of sleep and the personification of sleep