What kind of advanced mathematics did Isaac Newton create?
A situation in which a disease spreads to many people in an area or region.
"Cogito ergo sum"
"I think, therefore I am.
The two monarchs who replaced King James II as a result of the Glorious Revolution
William and Mary
The year that the Declaration of Independence was created
Jail in Paris, France
The Bastille
The belief that kings and queens have a God-given right to rule, and that rebellion against them is a sin.
Divine right of Kings
The tutor of Prince Charles
Thomas Hobbes
author of "The Persian Letters"
The year that the Constitution was written.
Francis Marie Arouet's pseudonym.
Dr. Van der Linden's real name.
John Locke
tabula rasa
blank tablet, (blank sheet of paper, blank slate)
Both John Locke and Montesquieu fled to this European country.
Holland (The Netherlands)
The "American Philosophe"
Benjamin Franklin
these people mostly lived in burgs, or towns.
burghers (English)
bourgeois (French)
In England, this is the law-making branch of the government.
This English monarch was tried and executed as a result of the English Civil War.
King Charles I
Author of "Behemoth"
Thomas Hobbes
"Father of the Constitution"
James Madison
If the Enlightenment resulted in the American Revolution in the colonies, what conflict did it result in in Europe?
The French Revolution
He served in the Bavarian army when he was young.
This philosophe helped to create the Encyclopedia.
What country was Voltaire referring to when he said, "In this country it is possible to use one's mind freely and nobly, without fear or cringing"?
David Hume and Adam Smith were from this country.