Who is Arnold Schwarzenegger?
CO2, CH4, Nitrous Oxide, CFC-12
What is the name of the company that collects and processes UVM's compost?
What is Green Mountain Compost?
Wrote in 1962 the controversial Silent Spring, describing the devastating effect that pesticides were having on the environment.
An floating mass of garbage larger than the size of Texas is in what ocean?
the process by which greenhouse gases in the atmosphere trap heat from the sun and reflect it back to Earth rather than letting it leave the planet.
What is the greenhouse effect?
The percentage of scientists who agree that warming trends over the past century are very likely caused by human activity
This activist lead the (nonviolent) fight for workplace rights, including protection from harmful pesticides in the farm fields of California's San Joaquin valley and formed the National Farm Workers Association.
Figure out how to cook them!
Feed it to your turtle!
disinformation disseminated by an organization so as to present an environmentally responsible public image.
-saltwater freshening
-warms waters
-change in fish migrations
-sea level rise
- coral reef destruction
What is the compostable plate/cup brand used at UVM?
American environmentalist, economist, and writer, known for their work on tribal land claims and preservation, as well as sustainable development. In 1996 and 2000, they ran for Vice President as the nominee of the Green Party, on a ticket headed by Ralph Nader.
the process of converting old or discarded materials into something useful and often beautiful
What are Carbon Dioxide sensors? They detect the presence of people by detecting the carbon dioxide in their breath, and heat or cool the room based on the quantity of CO2.