Who is the protagonist in the movie?
Sonic The Hedgehog
Where is Robotnik at the start of the movie?
The Mushroom Planet
Who is introduced?
Shadow The Hedgehog
What causes Sonic's world to fracture?
The shattering of the Paradox Prism
How many forms does Sonic have?
27: Super Sonic, Hyper Sonic, Darkspine Sonic, Excalibur Sonic, Sonic The Werehog, Dark Sonic, 16 forms from "Sonic: Colors", Eco Sonic, Polar Sonic, Solar Sonic, Prismatic Sonic, Ultra Sonic. (I did this just to annoy you lol)
Who is the antagonist in the movie?
Dr. Robotnik
Who are the two new characters in Sonic 2?
Miles "Tails" Prower and Knuckles The Echidna
What does Shadow say when he sees the year "2024"?
"2024? I've been trapped for 50 years?"
After the shattering, where is Sonic transported?
New Yoke City
Who is the creator of Shadow? (Two possible answers)
In most cases, an alien race called the Black Arms created the ultimate life form, but in other cases, it's Gerald Robotnik
When Sonic was in trouble, who did he turn to?
Thomas Michael Wachowski (Tom)
What sport does Sonic take part in while running from Knuckles and Robotnik's badniks?
What are Tom and Maddie celebrating with Sonic and his friends?
Sonic's "Bearthday"
Who does Sonic meet that turns against him in Season 3?
In the Sonic movie, who discovers Sonic is on Earth?
Crazy Carl, NOT TOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What did Tom see uncrossed on Sonic's bucket list?
"Make a real friend"
What are Robotnik and Knuckles trying to find?
The Master Emerald
Who makes an appearance in the lab?
Dr. Gerald Robotnik, grandfather of Eggman/Dr. Ivo Robotnik
What does Nine do that causes Sonic's reality to fracture and collapse?
He rebuilds the Paradox Prism in the Grim
What is Sonic's famous catchphrase?
"Gotta go fast"
When Robotnik had Sonic beat, what did Tom say that revived Sonic?
"His name was Sonic. This was his home. And he was my friend."
What does Knuckles say inside the Death Egg Robot to Robotnik?
"'Dis' is how I roll."
Who is Shadow voiced by?
Keanu Reeves
In Season 2, who does Sonic team up with?
Who voices Sonic in the movies?
Ben Schwartz