Gangsters and G-Men
New Deal Programs
Depression Causes & Stats
Government Agents
This 1930s gangster was the very last one to be caught or killed.
Who was Alvin Karpis?
Probably the most popular New Deal program, it improved the national parks system and put 2.5 million people to work by 1942.
What was the Civilian Conservation Corps?
This was one of the causes of the Great Depression and a factor that decreases levels of international trade.
What were high tariffs?
Louisiana's populist Governor-turned-Senator who argued that the New Deal did not go far enough to help the poor and needy.
Who was Huey P. Long?
This organization refused to allow an African-American opera star to perform in Constitution Hall in Philadelphia in 1938 because of her skin color.
Who are the Daughters of the American Revolution or DAR?
Of the gangsters we discussed in class, this man was one of only two that lived long enough to go to prison and he was also credited with coming up with the term "G-Men" for government agents.
Who was "Machine Gun Kelly"?
This New Deal program has become the primary retirement pension program for America's elderly citizens.
What is Social Security?
More banks failed during this period in US history than in any other ever. Was it 1920 to 1929? 1865 to 1920? 1930 to 1932? January to March 1933?
What is 1930 to 1932?
The long-time Director of the FBI who organized law enforcement efforts to "neutralize" the 1930s gangsters.
Who was J. Edgar Hoover?
This amendment was applied in the Powell v. Alabama Supreme Court case in 1932 to protect the due process rights of the black defendants.
What is Amendment #14?
This gangster pair died in an ambush by FBI agents who obliterated their car with bullets in a rural area of Louisiana.
Who were Bonnie and Clyde?
Franklin Roosevelt's "Court-packing" scheme was designed to overcome the conservative Supreme Court's use of this term to reject the President's New Deal programs.
What is "unconstitutional"?
At its peak at the end of 1932, this was the nation's unemployment rate.
What is 24.9% or 25%?
This man was the Republican candidate for the Presidency in 1936 who opposed the "socialistic" New Deal programs.
Who was Alf Landon?
This music composer wrote songs about the troubles that the poor and working class had trying to survive in a competitive capitalist society.
Who was Woody Guthrie?
This gangster's downfall came at the hands of FBI agents assisted by a mysterious woman the Chicago press dubbed the "Lady in Red."
Who was John Dillinger?
This program was created to restore the confidence of bankers and bank depositors that the federal government would guarantee the security of their money holdings.
What is the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation?
As a cause of the Great Depression, simple human greed was clearly evident in these two major industries.
What is real estate and the stock market?
The Republican President from 1929 to 1933 whose governing policies were blamed for the Great Depression. Daily Double
Who was Herbert Hoover?
This African-American social activist used her friendship with First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt to help create programs to help other blacks overcome the discriminatory impact of racism.
Who was Mary McLeod Bethune?
This man became famous as "the Man Who Got Dillinger" and he was also credited with terminating the crime careers of "Baby Face" Nelson and "Pretty Boy" Floyd.
Who was Melvin Purvis?
This New Deal program put people to work quickly on public projects such as buildings, roads, and hospitals.
What was the Works Progress Administration?
Of the four demographic items below, only one saw a rise from 1929 to 1933. Which one was it? Birth Rate? Divorce Rate? Suicide Rate? Marriage Rate?
What is the Suicide Rate?
The US military leader responsible for forcing the Bonus Army out of Washington, D.C.
Who was Douglas MacArthur?
This group of protesters came to Washington in 1932 to collect money from the US government for their military service in WWI.
What was the Bonus Army?