The Dead Sea Scrolls
what are they known for finding and producing?
who were they mostly made up of?
Temple worship
what did they not do?
religious purity
what were they very strict with?
pilous simpletons
what did Jesus view them as?
white linens
what were the clothes they wore?
immorality and divine punishment for sin
what did they believe?
the word of God
what did they want to learn and obey?
the Law of Moses
what law did they observe?
the wilderness of Judea
where did they live?
He would bring judgement day and fulfill the Bible covenant
what did they believe about the Messiah?
to prepare the way for God's return
why did they go into the desert?
slavery and all men being equal at birth
what did they not support?
the resurrection of the body and immersing themselves in public life
what did they deny?