Anything of value given without expectation of consideration or value in return.
What is a gift?
Scientific or educational meetings
What is an example of interactions with Healthcare Professionals?
Duration of total time in transit
What is travel time?
Online accounts/channels where you can post, like and share content, comment and interact with others in a public-facing and open environment, e.g. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Instagram, chat rooms, blogs and online forums.
What is social media?
Financial or non-financial support to an organisation where a benefit is derived.
What is a Sponsorship?
Lavish and luxurious items
What are inappropriate gifts?
Pictures, attendance registers, FMV, CV & Evaluation forms.
What makes up Proof of Service?
We use Google maps
What do we use to measure car rides?
Social media account/channel, page or group that is initiated, owned and run by an employee for private purposes.
What is a Personal social media account?
Budget is allocated from a non commercial function.
What are Donations and Grants?
Should not exceed ZAR 500.00 per day
What is the daily meal limit?
Meetings & Events Drive.
Where will all documents be saved?
Patient Support Programmes
What is a PSP?
Content that mentions brand and/or generic names of Novo Nordisk products
What is product-related content?
Donations are intended for charitable, philanthropic or other non-commercial purposes.
What is the valid purpose?
Fair Market Value.
What is FMV?
Offering anything of value to ensure purchase of our products
What is undue influence?
Where an adverse event or other safety information is reported.
What is Safety Reporting?
Donations during emergencies such as earthquakes and tsunamis.
What is an activity that is not in scope for Donations?
A meeting where the HCP provides advice and feedback.
What is an Advisory Board?
Disease awareness activities
Speaker and advocacy engagement
What are patient engagements?
Do not share the Personal Data of Data Subjects
What is Data Protection?