Which countries established the Steel and Coal Community? a) Germany, France, Netherlands, Italy, Luxembourg, Belgium b) Germany, France, Great Britain, Austria, Spain, Portugal c) Germany, Denmark, Netherlands, Sweden, Finland, Norway d) Germany, Poland, Great Britain, Austria, Luxembourg, Spain
The founding members of the Community were Belgium, France, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, and Germany. In 1952 the creation of the European Coal and Steel Community, which was declared to be "a first step in the federation of Europe.
How many countries are in the EU? a) 18 b) 20 c) 28 d) 30
There are 28 countries. The number of countries in the EU grew a lot in the last years. Especially in the east of Europe many countries came to the EU.
Where was the treaty signed that created the European economic community - forerunner of the EU? a) Westphalia b) Rome c) Brussels d) Versailles
The treaty of Rome - and it was signed in 1957
How many official languages are spoken in the EU? a) 24 b) 22 c) 30 d) 32
The European Union consist out of 28 countries with different languages and cultures, but they only speak 24 different languages. The number grew quite a bit in the last years, specially in the east came a lot of states to the EU.
What was the original name for the European Union? a) the European Economical Community b) the coal and steel Union c) the European Community d) the European Union
The coal and steel Union. The name came from the deal between France and Germany, that made the two countries depend on each other.
What is the slogan of the EU? a) Unity and right and Freedom b) United in diversity c) United we are stronger d) May the force be with you
United in Diversity. In 2000, there were a competition and this slogan won.
How many currencies beside the Euro are in the EU ? a) 15 b) 9 c) 13 d) 11
There are 11 other currencies, there is fx. the krone in Denmark, the pound in Great Britain and the zloty in Poland.
What is VETO? a) The power to start a new process immediately b) The power to delay or totally stop a process c) An organisation in the EU d) something a politician says when he/she agrees in something
VETO is a organisation in EU and VETO comes from the ancient roman language, and means: i forbid. They have the power to cancel a new law, if they dont think it is good enough.
In which year did they make a name change to “The European Union”? a) 1991 b) 1964 c) 1970 d) 1993
The name change was in 1993 when all the countries signed the Treaty of Maastricht
Which are the important tasks from the eu parliament? a) Discussion and adoption of EU legislation, in cooperation with the Council b) Discussion and adoption of the EU budget, in cooperation with the Council. c) define the general political directions and priorities of the EU d) they have no power to legislate
Both a and b actually! The European Parliament has two important functions: Discussion and adoption of EU legislation, in cooperation with the Council Discussion and adoption of the EU budget, in cooperation with the Council
When was the Euro established? a) 2000 b) 2005 c) 1999 d) 2002
The euro was established in 2002
When is the European day? a) 9. May b) 21. June c) 16 . October d) 7. May
European day is on the 9th May
On how many contracts is the European Integration based? a) 2 b) 3 c) 4 d) 5
The European Intergration i based on 4 contracts

Who is the President of the European Council? a) Jose Manuel Barroso b) Donald Tusk c) Herman Van Rompuy d) Charles Michel

The president is called Charles Michel. 

What is the euro plus pact for ? a) to bring the euro in other countries b) that the EU countries coordinate their economic policies better c) create a new kind of the euro d) to facilitate the cross-border trade
With the Euro plus pact, the euro countries obligate to coordinate their national economic policies better. They made that to align the economical conditions and to enhance the competitiveness of the whole euro area.
When did the european union get a Nobel peace prize ? a) 1998 b) 2008 c) 2010 d) 2012
The European Union got a Nobel peace prize in 2012