Where the story takes place
What is the House of Usher
Roderick Usher's twin sister
Who is Madeline Usher
What element of Gothic Literature describes Lady Madeline
What is a female in distress
What is the driving action that causes Roderick to make such rash decisions
What is Fear
What is wrong with Roderick and Madeline Usher
What is a mysterious sickness
The narrator's boyhood friend
Who is Roderick Usher
Which element of Gothic Literature best describes the Usher House
What is a dark atmosphere with a ruined and decayed house
What does the falling house symbolize
What is the destruction of the Usher family
What is the relationship between the family and the literal house
What is the house's atmosphere reflects the well being of the family
Who read "Mad Trist"
Who is the unnamed narrator
What Gothic Literature writing style is the most important device that Poe uses in "Fall of the House of Usher"
What is setting
What theme expresses the antisocialness and loneliness of the Usher's
What is Isolation
What do Roderick and the narrator do with Lady Madeline's body
What is entomb her body and place beneath the house
The person who breaks out of her entombment from the vault beneath the house
Who is Madeline Usher
Who has the illness of hypersensitive senses
Who is Roderick Usher
What Gothic Literature elements describe events that happen in the house of Usher
What are supernatural events
What theme expresses the actions and behavior of Roderick Usher
What is Madness
What kills Lady Madeline
What is being buried alive for a week
Roderick Usher does this when he hears the sounds of his sister escaping from her coffin
What is begins mumbling like a crazy person
The man who comes to the House of Usher to take care of his sick friend
Who is the unnamed narrator
What element of Gothic Literature describes Roderick Usher
What is a burdened and guilty male character
How did the Usher family used to be?
What is a powerful aristocratic family
The season of the year this story took place
What is autumn