This food is considered a delicacy in France
What is Maggot covered Cheese
This holiday comes from a man named St. Nick
What is Christmas
What type of plant only needs to be watered every 2 weeks
What is succulents
what fruit has the highest amount of natural fat
What is avocados
What is the phobia of spiders
What is arachnophobia
This food does not exist in the country it is said to come from
This Holiday uses a bunny as a symbol
What is Easter
what type of plant is a known essential oil scent
What is Eucalyptus
What fruit has a 25% mass of air
What is apples
What is the phobia of the dark
What is nyctophobia
This food is known for how difficult to make
What is macaroons
This holiday represents love
What is Valentines day
This type of flower gives of a stench of flesh
What is the Corpse Flower
What type of fruit has 85% of productions in juice
What is oranges
what is the phobia of death
what is thanatophobia
This food is known for the many flavors it has
What is Ice Cream
This holiday comes from Ireland
What is St. Patrick's Day
What type of flower grows in ponds
What is Lotus
This fruit is scientifically a berry
What is Bananas
What is the Phobia of snakes
What is Ophidiophobia
Least common food allergy
What is Red meat
This holiday comes from a lady who did not want her house destroyed
What is Halloween
What type of flower rotates for the sun
What is Sunflowers
what type of fruit smells
what is Durian
what is the phobia of needles
what is trypanophobia