The four playwrights for the Festival of Dionysus.
Who are Aeschylus, Euripides, Sophocles, and Aristophanes?
All the _______ roles were played by men.
What/Who are Women?
The types of genres in Greek literature.
What is Comedy, Tragedy, and Satyr PLays?
Dionysus, God of _____ and ______. (This question has two answers.)
What is Wine and Theatre?
5 ways the Greeks showed off their wealth at the Festival.
What is Art, Mask, Literature, Sacrifices, and Wine?
He produced his first play in 427. Before he died in the 380s, he had written 44 comedies, of which we have eleven.
Who is Aristophanes?
The largemouths of comic masks helped carry the actor's voice to the ______ of the theater.
What is Back?
Were mainly satirical and mocked men in power for their vanity and foolishness.
What are Comedy Plays?
Dionysus's other traits identify him as the effeminate god (Male and Female), the god of ekstasis, the god of enthusiasmos, the god of theater, and Eluetherious, which means ______.
What is the Liberator?
The city in which the Festival of Dionysus takes place.
What is The City of Athens?
The youngest of the three great tragedians. He first competed in the Great Dionysia in 455. He competed twenty-one more times but won only four times.
Who is Euripides?
Clothing for both women and men consisted of two main garments. (This question has two answers.)
What are the Tunic and the Cloak?
The number of actors required for a Greek Tragedy.
What is 3?
His many aliases confirm his identity as ______.
Who is the "masked" God?
The month and season in which the Festival of Dionysus would take place. (This question has two answers.)
When is March and Spring?
Masks were used to_______. (P.S. This is a full sentence, think back to our class notes.)
What is to indicate character and to play multiple roles?
Was the first actor.
Who is Thespis?
Are classified by some authors as tragicomic, or comedy dramas.
What are Satyr Plays?
This play was written about the God Dionysus.
What is The Bacchae?
The Greek theater consisted of the ______, the flat dancing floor of the chorus, and the theatron, the actual structure of the theater building.
What is the Orchestra?
Primarily male actors wearing masks, with a chorus providing commentary.
What is Performance Style?
The satyrs were mythical half-human, half-goat figures, and actors in these plays wore ________ for comic effect.
What are Large Phalluses (Male Genitalia)?
Deals with the big themes of love, loss, pride, the abuse of power, and the fraught relationships between men and gods.
What are Tragedy Plays?
The number of names the God Dionysus went by. Name them all for double points. (P.S. there are 4 names.)
What is The Bacchae?
The theatre of Ancient Greece flourished between ___ BC and ___ BC. (This question has two answers.)
What is 550 BC and 220 BC?