What do our vocal folds do to produce sound?
What is vibrate
What is the #1 rule of improv?
What is "Yes, and"
What is Miss Patterson's favorite color?
What is Purple?
What does FF mean?
What is Full Front
What was our FIRST unit?
What is Ensemble Building/Storytelling
What should you do before performing so you don't hurt your voice?
What is Warm Up
What form of improv have we been practicing in class?
What is short form
What singer is Miss Patterson a big fan of?
Who is Taylor Swift
What part of the stage are you facing if you are told to face Profile Right?
What is Stage Right
We get to learn about a new Theatre Artist every week on what board?
What is "People In Theatre You Should Know"
What do your vocal folds do when you take a breath?
What is open
What is the name of the TV Show we watched Improv Games from?
What is "Whose Line Is It Anyway?"
What musical was Miss Patterson in her 8th Grade year?
What is Once Upon a Mattress
If a director asks you to face FB, which direction are you facing?
What is upstage
Who do we get our weekly insults from?
What are your articulators?
What are lips, tongue, and teeth
What is Second City?
What is a Chicago based theatre company
How many cats does Miss Patterson have?
What is 3 cats
What does cross mean?
What is to move from one part of the stage to another
How much are you paid for your class jobs?
1 Kudo per day
What is the fancy word for windpipe?
What is trachea
Who is Viola Spolin?
What is an acting and improv teacher
What school year was Miss Patterson in 6th grade?
What is 2008-2009
What is blocking?
What is the predetermined movements of actors onstage
How much do 3 stickers cost on the Prize Cart?
What is 5 Kudos