test 1
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test galore!
These services are included in the $82.95 bundle
What is local, unltd features and reg or ultra high speed internet
A customer uses this as a temporary password for the new Voicemail service.
What is 10-digit telephone number.
The customer needs to have BellAliant's local service to have our High Speed internet. True or false
What is false They can get high speed with no local service
We would add this SOFF to the account to charge the $20 Transfer of Responsibility charge.
What is the MISCC
You would go to this BT to see what the remaining balance is on an installment billing set.
What is IIBL
The difference between a jack and wire module is this.
What is jack has been pre-wired and we are just adding the faceplate and wireing at the demark. Wire Module is when the line and faceplate need to be installed and wired to the demark
2 examples of when a credit check would be needed
What is PC Purchase, Xbox or BellAliant TV
The customer pays the network access charge when they don't have a long distance savings plan...true or false
What is false
An Authorized other can do this on an account and we now need this to verify them.
What is make changes, inquire, disconnect, discuss. DOB/ID now needed.
You are on the RA1 and don't know what the value is for the PARM PKG. You can you use this BT to check it.
What is IOSOF or ISOFV
A customer would like to subscribe to a Bell TV Digital Essentials package for $61. a)This package includes this b)It gets billed by who c)This form is used to book the order d)We should be offering Bell TV when? e) This SOFF needs to be added to Agent Desktop
What is a) Digital Standard and 6 theme packs b) Bell c) OrderMax d) Whenever BellAliant TV isn't available e) EXPVU
These are the two statuses you will find on the facilities screen under AD in Martens and they mean this.
What is W for working or S for Saved or Spare.
These are the SOFFs for the Service charge and Inside Wire Charge.
What is SSC and ISWI
The reason for doing a FIND when issuing a new establish is this.
What is to check to see if the customer has any previous accounts so we can determine if there is any money owing, past payment history, etc.
We need to follow these steps to see if money is owing at an address if we find there is a Restriction.
What is do a FIND on the last TN or account # that is showing in Martens. If it is WOA, then ask for lease and 3 pieces of id.
Smart Order automation will create the Infranet account and the AMP form for all new Self install high speed orders.
What is True
Indicate if you would issue an EAJ, DAK, ESETR, Write Off or None of the Above for the following if: a) A customer has been billed a set loss charge in error. b) A customer has 900# calls and admits making the calls
What is ESETR What is None of the Above
What are the 4 steps of the Call Flow
What is a) Opening b) Satisfy the Needs of the customer c) Satisfy the needs of the Business d) Closing
Indicate if you would issue an EAJ, DAK, ESETR, Write Off or None of the Above for the following if: a) A customer is being over billed for a rental set b) A customer denies making 900# on their bill.
What is EAJ What is DAK
We need to fill out this form when a customer is purchasing a phone through installment billing.
What is ORS form
You can ask you customer these two discovery questions if they have a long distance or 900 call appearing on their bill that they do not recall making.
What is a) did you check with all members of your household b) did you have company over at that time.
To determine if an order is S or J classed on an order that fails auto assign and it doesn't prepopulate the class, we would do this to find out the class.
What is go to Facilities screen
These are the 3 Invoices you will find on a bill and an item you will find under each is this.
What is REC (features, packages, plans) USG (ld calls, always on, 900 calls, collect, directory charges, 411 usage, network fee) MSC (one time charges or adjustments)
When a due date needs to be changed on an S classed order, this work instruction needs to be added to update that this was done.
What is CASWI
Give an example of a transition statement and what types of calls you should use a transition statement.
What is Anything in the guidelines and should be used on every call!