No one wants to have extra homework tonight, _______? 

a) don't they 

b) don't he 

c) do they

d) does he

c) do they


The children's interest in playing the game soon _______.

a) stumbled 

b) flagged 

c) tottered 

d) thawed 

b) flagged


Which is the correct spelling? 

a) supersede

b) supercede 

c) superceed

d) suparseed 

a) supersede

if a new idea, product, or method supersedes another one, it becomes used instead because it is more modern or effective


Think of one word only which can be used appropriately in all three sentences.

1.  The employment crisis is ________ that it is affecting one in four people.

2.  _______ torrential rain is rare in this part of the world.

3.  I didn't have a problem with the new manager's ideas as _____, but I disliked some of his mannerisms.



His grandfather often dozes _______ in front of the TV after dinner. 

a) out

b) over

c) in

d) off

d) off


The President resigned; the whiff of scandal remained _______.

a) therefore 

b) otherwise 

c) immediately 

d) nevertheless 

d) nevertheless


Serena is still _______ ignorant of the fact that she is about to be made redundant. 

a) blissfully 

b) jubilantly 

c) delightedly 

d) ecstatically 

a) blissfully


Which is the correct spelling? 

a) perserverance 

b) persaverence 

c) perserverence 

d) perseverance 

d) perseverance 

determination to keep trying to achieve something in spite of difficulties – use this to show approval


Think of one word only which can be used appropriately in all three sentences. 

1.  Tom is bound to get a real wake up ________ when he enters the world of work after being closeted in the university for the last seven years.

2.  Many young men answered the ________ to arms and signed up as soon as war was declared.

3.  That car nearly drove into us, it was a really close _______.



We were at a disadvantage _______ that we did not have a very good knowledge of the language the others were using. 

a) by

b) with

c) for

d) in

d) in


If the decision _______ before he arrived, he would have been furious. 

a) would have been taken 

b) was taken 

c) was being taken 

d) had been taken 

d) had been taken 


It was so hot in the restaurant that, after half an hour, we were all starting to _______ . 

a) shrivel 

b) wilt 

c) fade

d) weed  

b) wilt


Which is the correct spelling?

a) perogitive

b) perogative

c) prerogative

d) prerogitive

c) prerogative

a right that someone has, especially because of their importance or social position


Think of one word only which can be used appropriately in all three sentences. 

1.  It isn’t _______ why she changed her mind at the last minute.

2.  The intravenous solution was a ______, blue liquid.

3.  Sheila decided to ______ out the drawers of her desk.



Try as I _______ , I couldn't turn the key. 

a) might

b) could

c) should

d) would

a) might


_______ with being so busy both at work and at home, she became increasingly tired and bad-tempered. 

a) How

b) What

c) Which

d) Where

b) What


Take care that your love for him doesn't _______ your judgement. 

a) shadow

b) cloud

c) darken

d) topple

b) cloud


Which is the correct spelling?

a) bourgeousy

b) bourgeoisy

c) bourgeousie

d) bourgeoisie

d) bourgeoisie

a class of business owners


Think of one word only which can be used appropriately in all three sentences. 

1.  You’d be ____ off if you put some money aside every month.

2.  The guidelines for the office’s policy on _______ practice are displayed in the folder.

3.  Come on! You need to put your ______ foot forward if you want to make it to the summit!



It's as if that silly argument we had has driven a _______ between us and we've lost all our old closeness. 

a) ledge 

b) beam 

c) plank 

d) wedge 

d) wedge

drive a wedge between somebody - to do something that makes people disagree or start to dislike each other


Bob couldn't ______ a moustache to the photo of his Headmaster in the newspaper. 

a) resist to add

b) resist adding 

c) resist from adding 

d) resist for adding 

b) resist adding


Marlene is quite _______ - I don't know she manages to fit everything in. 

a) tiresome 

b) inexorable 

c) indefatigable

d) inexhaustible 

c) indefatigable


Which is the correct spelling?

a) reconnoitor

b) reconoteur

c) reconnoiter

d) reconoiteur

c) reconnoiter

to find out information about an area


Think of one word only which can be used appropriately in all three sentences. 

1.  Today’s crossword puzzle will definitely exercise your ______ matter!

2.  What the government intends to do to solve the problem is still a _______ area.

3.  Although aging populations are often associated with poor economic growth, the ________ economy provides business opportunities not only in care provision, but also in recreational activities catering for the elderly.



I'm afraid we got our _______ crossed — I thought my husband would be picking up the children and he thought I was doing it. 

a) wires

b) fingers

c) minds

d) purposes

a) wires

get your wires crossed - to become confused about what someone is saying because you think they are talking about something else
