World War I
Progressive Era
The Red Scare, Life in America after WWI
The Great Depression and the New Deal
He wrote, The Jungle, a book that exposed the horrible conditions in the meat packing industry.
Who is Upton Sinclair?
The ship that Germany sunk that was one of the reasons America entered WW1.
What is the Lusitania?
The founder of Hull House.
Who is Jane Addams?
They took power in Russia during the Bolshevik Revolution of 1917.
Who are the communists?

The date of the Stock Market crash.

What is October 29, 1929?

The President during World War I.
Who is Woodrow Wilson?
He was assassinated providing the spark that started WW1.
Who is Archduke Franz Ferdinand?

This gives people the ability to propose a bill by getting signatures and having it placed on a ballot.

What is the initiative petition?

This attorney general rounded up and jailed suspected anarchists and communists between 1919 and 1921 with little regard to their constitutional rights.
Who is A. Mitchell Palmer?
He believed that local government, people and private business could fix the problems of the Great Depression. He did not do enough to help the people through the Great Depression. He believed the states NOT the federal government were responsible for helping the people during the Depression.
Who is Herbert Hoover?
They were both president during the Great Depression.
Who were Herbert Hoover and FDR?
Woodrow Wilson's plan for peace after WW1.
What is the 14 points?
Her father was put out of business by John D. Rockefeller. It is no surprise that she wanted the government to crack down on monopolies.
Who is Ida Tarbell?

This banned the sale, manufacture, and distribution of alcohol.

What is Prohibition or the 18th amendment?

He created the New Deal and believed that government should play an active role in solving the problems of the Depression.
Who is FDR?
Two Italian immigrants who were accused of armed robbery and murder. They were executed even though there was little evidence against them. Nativism played a role in their conviction.
Who were Sacco and Venzetti?
A general association of nations established at the end of the war to maintain world peace and stability.
What is the League of Nations?
One of two laws passed after the publication of The Jungle.
What is either the Meat Inspection Act and the The Pure Food and Drug Act?
John Scopes a Science teacher was convicted of a crime in 1925. What did he do?
What is taught the theory of evolution?
This was created in 1933 to monitor corporations to make sure they provided proper information to investors. This would protect the consumer from buying unsafe stocks and correct business abuses in the stock market.
What is the Securities and Exchange Commission?
Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. DuBois both worked for equal rights for African Americans. How did they differ in their approach?
What is Booker T. Washington believed that African Americans should accept segregation for a time and focus on education and improving the conditions of African Americans. Gradually they would obtain equal rights. W.E.B. DuBois thought that African Americans should demand complete equality immediately.
Three provisions of the Treaty of Versailles.
What is Germany had to accept full responsibility for the war, lost territory to France, lost colonies, had to limit their military, $33 billion war reparations.
Two of the three areas the Progressives targeted for reform.
What is helping to ease the suffering of the urban poor, improve working conditions, end corruption in government?
He said that the "There is no right to strike against the public safety by anybody, anywhere, anytime."
Who is Calvin Coolidge, Boston Police Strike.
Three things created in the New Deal we still have today.
What is FDIC, unemployment insurance, Social Security, Securities and Exchange Commission, minimum wage?