Out to Eat
Exploring NYC

Name at least 4 different banks

Chase, CitiBank, Wells Fargo, Capitol One, Bank of America


True or false: You always have the right to an interpreter



Name 5 different types of cuisines

Mexican, Italian, Japanese, Thai, Greek


What is the definition of an idiom?

Expressions or phrases that do not literally mean what it says


Name 5 attractions in New York City

Empire State Building, Statue of Liberty, Times Square, Central Park, Brooklyn Bridge

BONUS: Where does NYC's hot dog eating contest occur?


Name at least 3 different ways to say the word money

Cash, bills, bucks, dough, bread


Which words go with "pain in my __" vs. which " ___ache"?

head, foot, arm, back, ear, stomach, foot, shoulder, leg

pain in my __ : foot, arm, leg, shoulder

___ache: head, back, ear, stomach


Who is the person that takes your order at a restaurant?

Who is the person that greets you and brings you to the table?

Who is the person you speak to if you have a problem with your service?

Waiter / waitress


The manager


What does the idiom "When pigs fly" mean?

Something that rarely occurs


What is the phrase to remember North, East, South, and West?

Never Eat Soggy Waffles


Explain the difference between a debit and credit card

Credit Card: borrowed many, can lead to debt, can have discounts, and rewards

Debit Card: Your own money, no debt, no discounts or rewards


Name 5 types of doctors and what part of the body they treat.

Ophthalmologist- eyes

Cardiologist- heart

Surgeon- surgery 

Psychologist- mind 

PCP (primary care provider)- whole body


What does the phrase "on the rocks" mean?Use it in a sentence.

BONUS: What is the name for the non alcoholic version of a drink?

An alcoholic drink with ice. Ex. "May I please have a vodka on the rocks?"

BONUS: virgin or mocktail


What is the idiom for when you are really hungry?

I could eat a horse. 

^ I hope Zainab gets this one!


What is the difference between avenues and streets? 

What is the name of the avenue that does not go straight? 

Name 3 avenues.

Avenues are longer, run vertical North to South. Streets are shorter, run horizontal West to East.


Ex. West End Ave, Park Avenue, Lexington Avenue, Broadway, Madison Avenue, 5th Ave


Name 4 reasons why you would need a loan

To buy a house, to buy a car, to pay for college, to start a business


Practice Leaving a Message for the Doctor. Remember to include:

1. Determine which type of doctor you want to call

2. Greeting, including your name 

3. When you would like to make an appointment

4. Number to call you back and thank you

Ximena has some recent practice with this one!


What is the difference between an appetizer, entree, and starter?

Appetizer and starter are the same thing! They are small dishes you eat before a meal. 

Entree is the main course.


What is the idiom for when you stay at someone's house for too long?

Fish and visitors stink after 3 days


Describe the difference between "on vs. in" and "off vs. out".

Make up two sentences that include these words.

ON / OFF is when you can step on the vehicle, there is a large space

IN/OUT is when you have to sit in the vehicle because there is not as much room.


Make up a story to try to get a loan at the bank! Must include:

- Why you need the loan 

- Your profession

- Your income 

- Do you own/rent a house or a car? If so, how much is your monthly payment. 

- Why the bank should trust you to pay off the loan

If Julia is making this one I'm sure it will be wild!


Make up an illness story. Include:

1. What your illness is 

2. What type of doctor you went to see

3. Symptoms 

4. How you think you got sick 

5. What you will do to get better

I hope this doesn't really happen to you!


Make a reservation over the phone! Include:

1.Choose what kind of restaurant / cuisine you would like 

2. Greeting (Ex. “Hello, good morning, good evening, etc…”)

3. Day, time, and how many people are in your party.

4. At the end, give a name for the reservation

If Brandi is making this, I'm sure it will involve chicken!


Name 4 idioms and their definition

If Jonatan answers this question, I'm sure one of them will be "cool as a cucumber"!


Make up a story of how you will get from one landmark to another in NYC! 

Use at least 3 forms of transportation with the correct prepositions (on/in/off/out)

If you used the subway in summer, good luck!
