What is the achievement i got today?
"Bombouncer" (eliminate an opponent by bouncing a grenade off of a jump pad)
What Weapon is known as the Charles Pistol?
How many Reserve Slots do you have?
How much cash do you get for claiming a vault in Ranked Tournament Or World Tour?
Who were the announcer's obsessed with earlier this season?
TTV Scroy
What achievement has the highest percentage of players that have gotten it?
"Med Student" (revive a teammate)
How many Handguns/Pistols are there in the game?
What is the max level you can get on gadgets?
What are all 7 gamemodes?
Team Deathmatch, Quick Cash, World Tour, Ranked Tournament, Bank it, Terminal Attack, and Power Shift.
What is Scotty's Question?
"Will you be my Valentine?"
What is the name of the achievement where you kill someone with a potted plant?
Fatal Florist
How many weapons can break through walls?
(using an attack)
What gadget(s) does Charles hate most?
mines, every mine
How many days until Team Deathmatch disappears?
What did I say Per looks like?
A Frog
What is an EXTREMELY EASY achievement i haven't completed yet?
"Lesson Learner" (complete the tutorial)
What Light Weapon do i hate most? (to use)
What are Charles's favorite gadgets?
(double points if you get both)
Frag Grenade and Goo Grenade
What do i call a private match when its a 2v2?
2v2 Madness/2v2 Shenanigans
What is my favorite battle pass item from this season?
"Taste of Tomorrow" (green Shak-50 skin)
What is the rarest achievement in THE FINALS
Deep Pockets
What is the mag size on the 93R?
What is the Charm you get for getting max level on Charge 'N' Slam?
"Hammer Home" (mini hammer)
How many Dummies are there in the practice range?
What seasons music is Charles's favorite?
season 1