Migrants leaving the states Dust Bowl help bring country music to the West
What is Oaklahoma
Papillon The french Butterfly was netted & Brought To This Prison
What Is Devils Island
Waving American style is an insult to this Hellenic country
What is Greece
In Exodus 3 It Burned But Woudn´t Burn Up
What is The Burning Bush
Root Vegetable That was Root of Peter Rabbits Passion
Whats A Carrot
Radio Program Originally called the WSM Barn Dance
What is Grand Ole Opry
A Cloud Of Ash Circled the earth when most of this volcanic island was obliterated in an 1883 Explosion
What is Kracatoa
In Netherlands a Hostess may serve herself first from Custom of the tasting food to prove it wasn't this
What is Poison
Nephew Whom Abraham rescued in Gen 14th he also needed rescuing from sodom by Gen 19
Who is Lot
Europeans once believed this purple skinned cousin to the Tomato caused insanity
What Is Eggplant
Daily Double 1 of 3 Members of The Country Hall of Fame
Who is Hank Williams Senior
Spanish for pelican but appropriatley Called The Rock By its inhabitants
What is Alcatraz
Frenchman Kissed Cheeks But in Romania Male Friends Often Kiss This Way
What is On The Lips
King whose reign was so rich that sober was said to have been as common as stones in Jerusalem
Who is King Soloman
Syrup originally made from pomegranates processed on the Caribbean island of Grenada
What is Grenadine
Type of Music After Bill Monroe's Band
What is The Blue Bress
Daily Double 1st to claim Calif.Gold said he found it on this island named for st.Catherine
What is Santa Calalina
When was William Shakespeare born?
What is April 23, 1564.
He wanted to put his finger into the nail marks in Jesus's Palms
Who is Thomas
The Hospitality Fruit It Can Keep Jell-o From Jelling
What is Pineapple
The Texas Troubadour
Who is Ernest Tubb
Pt. Udall in this island group is called the easternmost American point in the Western Hemisphere
What Are the Virgin Islands
How many national parks are in the United States?
What is 58
Its The Battlefield Where Good & Evil Will Fight Their Final Battle
Who is Aremegeddon
Autumn Edible Which is Figured In the Alger Hiss Case
What is Pumpkin