Where was Hippocrates born?
Name the four humors
Blood, yellow bile, black bile, phlegm
What is a doctor?
Someone who keeps you safe and healthy
A physical or mental feature
He watched how the sick people acted.
How many documents are associated with the Hippocratic Corpus?
About 60
What humor represents spring and causes friendliness and activeness?
How long do you have to go to medical school?
3-4 years
A solemn promise
Where is there a statue of Hippocrates?
Where was the corpus assembled?
Alexandria, Egypt
What humor represents summer and causes anger and madness?
Yellow bile
What do you get after medical school?
A Doctor of Medicine degree
A large organ
What did Hippocrates believe health was also about?
How people lived
What does the Hippocratic Oath swear?
To do no harm
What humor represents autumn and causes sadness?
Black bile
What does a doctor have to do to become an official doctor?
Pass a test
Identify the illness
What is the Hippocratic face?
What a face looks like right before death.
When was Hippocrates born?
About 460 BC
What humor represents winter and causes relaxation?
After the test, what do you get?
A license
Hippocrates was the first physician to cure what?