What is my new last name going to start with?
What is our classroom number?
When is it a good idea to wash/sanitize your hands?
Before/after eating and when sharing materials with our friends
What is the name of our librarian?
Mrs. Sullivan
How many pets do I have?
What do we need to show the teacher as soon as we arrive to school?
The COVID Screening Tool
When is your mask allowed to be off?
Outside and when we're eating in the classroom
How many secretaries are in the main office?
What is my favourite food?
French Fries
What online platforms will we be using?
OneNote and Teams
What are some rules that you should follow when you're outside for recess?
Hands and feet to self, play games that involve minimal contact, keep your distance if your mask is off, and line up when the bell rings
How many students are in our class?
How old am I?
What is our classroom policy about homework?
Practice Pages will be sent home on Tuesday's or Thursday's and are due back to class the next day
What happens in our classroom if there is a lockdown?
Stop what you're doing, drop everything, and calmly/quietly line up to head to Room 213
What is my fiance's name?
How many years have I been teaching?
What materials can you keep in your desk? What materials can you keep in your mailbox?
Pencil case, mask ziploc, book and folders, notebooks, mailbag, clipboard
What is special about fire drills this year?
How many picture books did we read this week?