Save a $500 emergency fund
What is the 1st Foundation?
Get out of debt and stay out of debt
What is the 2nd Foundation?
Pay cash for your car
What is the 3rd Foundation?
Pay cash for college
What is the 4th Foundation?
Build wealth and give
What is the 5th Foundation?
A way to earn some extra money
What is a job?
You can accumulate debt with this
What is a loan, credit card, etc.? (Multiple answers)
Types of cars that would be easier/better to pay in cash
What are cheap cars, used cars, and older model cars?
A way to pay cash for college
What is money raised in savings account?
A smart way to keep building wealth
What is don’t spend, invest, have a good job. etc.?
In 2024, you should save $1,000
What is the expected emergency fund today?
Setting budgets, paying with cash, avoiding impulse purchases.
What are ways to stay out of debt?
Colleges that would be easier to pay in cash
What are Community Colleges?
Choosing to share the wealth you’ve earned.
What is sense of gratitude?