What is the name of the sword of Imam Ali?
Zulfiqar/ذو الْفَقار
Who was Fatima al-Zahra's mother?
Khadijah bint Khuwaylid
Where is Imam Hasan(a) buried?
Jannat ul Baqi, medina
When and where was Imam Husayn(a) born?
3rd Shaban, in Medina
What significant event occurred when Imam Ali was born?
He was born inside the Kaaba
Which surah in the Quran is said to have been revealed in honor of Fatima al-Zahra and her family?
Surah Al-Kawthar
When did Imam Hasan got shahadah? (passed away)
28th Safar
How many people were Martyred with Imam Husayn(a) in Karbala?
72 people
What was the first battle of Prophet Muhammad?
Battle of Badr.
Who compiled the letters and sayings of Imam Ali into the famous book of Nahj al-Balagha?
Sayyid al - Radi
What phrase is commonly associated with Fatima al-Zahra in Shia literature?
Umme Abiha (The mother of her father)
Imam Hasan (a) was ___ years older than Imam Husayn (a)
What did Imam Husayn said about his martyrdom?
"I do not see death except as happiness."
What is the name of the miraculous night journey of Prophet Muhammad to the heavens?
In which battle did Imam Ali fight against the forces of Muawiyah?
Battle of Siffin
What is the name of the sermon delivered by Fatima al-Zahra after the incident of Fadak?
Sermon of Fadak (Khutbah al-Fadakiyya)
Muawiyah was the evil governor of ____
Who was the Christian martyr who fought alongside Imam Husayn in Karbala?
Wahab ibn Abdullah al-Kalbi
Fill in the blank for this hadith by Prophet Muhammad: Ali is ti me like___was to_____.
Ali is to me like Harun was to Musa.
Who did Imam Ali appoint as governor of Egypt through his famous letter on governance?
Malik al-Ashtar
What was the title given to Fatima al-Zahra that means "Leader of the Women of Paradise" ?
Sayyidat Nisa al- Alamin
Who were Imam Hasan's sons martyred in Kerbala?
Hasan Muthanna, Qassim and Abdallah
What did Qasim ibn Hasan say about martyrdom before entering the battlefield on the day of Ashura?
Qasim ibn Hassan said, "Death is sweeter than honey."
What was the name of the treaty signed between Prophet Muhammad and the Quraysh tribe to establish peace for ten years?