Touch is the weakest of the five senses. TRUE or FALSE
False, taste is.
Name the human ear parts. Outer, middle, inner
The human ear consists of outer (auricle), middle (tympanic membrane and ossicles, and inner parts (Labyrinth and Organ of Corti.
What lies behind the eardrum and makes up the Ossicles?
The Malleus, Stapes & Incus
Why don’t all foods and liquids taste the same?
Taste buds
What does the stirrup, or stapes, do as part of the middle ear?
Stimulates the hairs of the Organ of Corti to allow the brain to decode into sounds.
We also have a few taste buds on the ___ , the inside of the ____ the underside of the _____, the roof of the ____, and the back of the _____.
Bonus: What is the location of the sweet, sour, bitter, salty tastebuds on the tongue?
lips,cheeks, tongue, mouth, throat.
The most sensitive areas of your body for nerve perception are your
_____, ___, _____, _____, _______, _______, and ______.
hands, lips, face, neck, tongue, fingertips and feet