Who holds the crown of all fay who stand?
Loves a satyr hand by hand?
Has scales as army, you see who do you infer it might be?
Eddie Corona Broxon
Who says to be a friend but a foe?
Has a secret to not be told?
Has a piggy nose and a hole in a heart that only he can fill?
A gremlin from the dead with tentacles squirming.
Likes some tea but doesn't come from Wyomi?
storms, moose, eagle, man what does that make hand by hand?
A changeling, a villian, a flinsin, with tears in her eyes, betrayed by her own kind
Who holds the crown and the hand of the changeling king?
Who has the horns and has a doll that sings?
Whose the Flinsin who takes another Flinsin by the hand as she's sweeped upon the land?
Andrea Broxon
Who is most trusted but tells a lie?
Who says they're with you but lurks for your destruction?
With old hair and a wrinkle aside?
Aunt Gertrude/Black Annis
A shifty elf with icecles told who never will show?
Jack Frost
A flinsin but villian.
One of two gods, held by a Broxon, Grandaughter of the spider
Angela Flin (Broxon)
Who has the sun and moon, but does not know?
Who has the demon and angel but can't show?
Grant and Tessa Kasqowitz
Known for a day but still trusted so well
One who has died but lit a path?
a crooked old hag queen of them all
Black Annis
Demigod Sylph, love of a demigod love of a kelpie,
Primordan and Autumn
Who is the opposite of each other but are the same?
Who carries the flood and carries the flame?
Tina and Broth Flin
Who controls all fire and his betrayel is good and Bad?
A doll with a humor and movement you see who is as light as a sleeping bee?
Changeling, norse, love death
Who is either good nor bad?
The one whose heart is set on a huldra and not Macbeth?
His betrayel isn't real but can make others jealous who is this element down in the creves?
Jack Frost
Aibell, demigod, misunderstood, fay, third in line