Major Arcana Mysteries
Minor Arcana Meanings
Tarot Numerology
Astrology in Tarot
Symbols & Imagery

This card represents new beginnings and taking risks.

  • Upright: New beginnings, innocence, spontaneity, adventure, a leap of faith, potential, freedom.
  • Reversed: Recklessness, naivety, poor judgment, fear of change, holding back.

What is The Fool.

  • Upright: Planning, future vision, decision-making, progress, looking ahead, exploration.
  • Reversed: Lack of planning, fear of the unknown, indecision, missed opportunities, playing it safe.

What is the 2 of Wands.


This number is the essence of individual willpower, symbolizing the raw potential to manifest desires.

What is the number one.


This fiery planet is associated with the Tower card, and when it’s involved, expect some major, life-shattering shake-ups!"

What is Mars


This card depicts a scene from the Garden of Eden, with the Tree of Knowledge and the Tree of Life behind the figures. An angel watches over them, but the mountain between them holds deeper symbolic meaning. What does the mountain represent, and how does it connect to the decision-making theme of this card?

What is the obstacle of conscious choice, representing the challenges and consequences of decisions in relationships?


This card appears when you need to rely on your resilience, patience, and calmness in the face of challenges. 

  • Upright: Courage, persuasion, influence, compassion, self-confidence, inner strength.
  • Reversed: Self-doubt, weakness, insecurity, lack of self-control, raw emotions.

What is Strength.

  • Upright: Transition, moving on, healing, leaving behind difficulties, recovery, progress, finding peace.
  • Reversed: Resistance to change, emotional baggage, feeling stuck, unresolved issues, unable to move on.

What is the six of swords.


Often representing a state of balance between opposing forces, this number invites introspection and the quiet power of the subconscious.

What is the number two.



A client comes to you for a Tarot reading, feeling overwhelmed with a need to bring order to their chaotic life. They mention that they’ve been focused heavily on their work, often putting their emotional needs on the back burner. Despite their best efforts, they struggle to let go of control and are frustrated by their inability to relax. They’re seeking advice on how to find a better work-life balance and whether to continue pushing forward or take a step back to recharge. You pull the following three cards:

The Emperor

The Eight of Pentacles

The Ten of Wands

Based on the energies of these cards, which zodiac sign might the client be?

What are Aries, Virgo, and Sagittarius.


Two sphinxes, one black and one white, pull the chariot in opposite directions, symbolizing conflicting forces. However, the figure holding no visible reins is key to understanding the deeper meaning of the card. What do the sphinxes represent, and why is the absence of reins significant?

What are the dual forces of will and emotion, and how does the absence of reins represent control through sheer willpower and focus?


This card signifies a profound shift or transition that may involve letting go of old habits, beliefs, or circumstances to make way for new growth and opportunities. 

  • Upright: Transformation, endings, change, transition, letting go, rebirth.
  • Reversed: Resistance to change, stagnation, fear of change, holding on to the past.

What is Death Card.

  • Upright: Hard work, craftsmanship, skill development, dedication, focus, apprenticeship, mastering a craft.
  • Reversed: Lack of focus, uninspired work, misdirected efforts, perfectionism, burnout, low quality.

What is the 8 of pentacles.



A client comes to you feeling stuck in their personal growth. They express that they have been trying to make positive changes in their life, but every time they feel they are moving forward, obstacles seem to arise. They are struggling to maintain balance in their relationships and feel uncertain about their next steps. You pull the following three cards:

  • The Two of Pentacles
  • The Five of Cups
  • The Nine of Wands

Based on the numerological significance of these cards, what life cycle or stage is the client likely in, and how can the numbers 2, 5, and 9 provide insight into their current situation?

2 (Two of Pentacles): The client is in a phase of balancing multiple priorities, with the number 2 indicating the need for harmony and partnership, suggesting they should focus on finding equilibrium in relationships and work.

5 (Five of Cups): The number 5 reflects a period of change, conflict, and emotional upheaval. The client is likely going through a transformative process that may feel challenging but is necessary for growth.

9 (Nine of Wands): The number 9 signifies the nearing of completion, perseverance, and reflection. The client is in the final stages of a difficult journey and needs to remain resilient as they approach the end of this challenging cycle.


During this planet's retrograde, drawing the Eight of Wands might indicate your messages are getting delayed… but also, have you tried texting back?

What is Mercury.


In this card, the figure hangs upside down with a peaceful expression, and their legs form an unusual shape. What is the significance of the leg positioning, and how does it reflect the card’s theme of surrender and new perspective?

What is the inversion of perspective, with the leg position symbolizing the cross of matter over spirit and the sacrifice of personal ego for higher understanding?


This card signifies the successful conclusion of a major cycle or journey, often reflecting a sense of wholeness and harmony. 

  • Upright: Completion, accomplishment, integration, wholeness, fulfillment, travel, new beginnings.
  • Reversed: Delayed success, lack of closure, incompletion, feeling stuck or unfulfilled.

What is The World.

  • Upright: Contentment, emotional fulfillment, happiness, satisfaction, wishes coming true, gratitude, abundance.
  • Reversed: Discontent, greed, lack of fulfillment, dissatisfaction, unmet desires, superficial happiness.

What is the 9 of cups.


This number embodies order, authority, and the building of foundations, often representing stability in both life and governance

What is the number four.


This court card aligns with Libra energy—so expect them to always debate whether they’re truly in love or just weighing their options!

What is the Queen of Swords.


Surrounding the wheel are four winged creatures representing the fixed signs of the zodiac. The letters around the wheel can spell multiple words like 'TARO,' 'ROTA,' or 'TORA.' What is the significance of these letters, and how do they intertwine fate, destiny, and higher knowledge?

What is the interconnectedness of fate and divine law, symbolizing the ever-turning cycle of life and the universe’s mysterious order?



A client seeks guidance after experiencing a significant life transition. They recently left a long-term relationship and feel uncertain about their identity and purpose now that they are on their own. They’re searching for clarity on how to move forward and rebuild their life. You pull the following three cards:

The Fool

The Hermit

The Death Card


How would you interpret these Major Arcana cards in relation to the client’s current journey of self-discovery, and what advice would you offer based on these transformative energies?

This spread suggests the client is undergoing deep transformation. **The Fool** urges them to embrace the unknown and see this as an opportunity for a fresh start. **The Hermit** indicates a need for introspection, encouraging them to take time for self-discovery and inner growth. **Death** signals the end of an old chapter, advising them to release the past and allow space for renewal. Together, these cards suggest that embracing solitude and transformation will lead to greater clarity and personal evolution.



Samantha, feeling uneasy about the growing distance between her and her boyfriend, decided to visit a local psychic in search of answers. As she sat down, her heart racing with curiosity, she asked the psychic for insight into his behavior. With a knowing smile, the psychic shuffled the deck and pulled two cards, revealing the story behind his detachment. "It seems," the psychic said, "he's weighed down by overwhelming responsibilities at work."

What two cards did the psychic reveal that unlocked this hidden truth? (All cards are up right).

What are 

10 of Wands, 8 of pentacles

The Emperor, 3 of pentacles

8 of Swords, 5 of pentacles

2 of pentacles, 10 of wands

The Devil, 10 of Wands

The Emperor, 10 of Wands

8 of swords, 10 of wands

8 of swords, 2 of pentacles

2 of pentacles, 5 of pentacles



You've been experiencing a period of transition, with unexpected changes disrupting your usual routine. You're faced with the need to adapt and grow through this uncertainty. At the same time, you’re drawn to seek guidance from a mentor or spiritual leader. The Tarot card drawn for this situation is related to tradition, learning, and embracing challenges. The number associated with this card represents both struggle and the opportunity for growth.

What is the number and the corresponding Tarot card?

What is the number five and the Hierophant.


This Tarot card, often associated with karmic cycles and major life shifts, shares its astrological influence with Jupiter, and when pulled during a Jupiter return, it's a sign that your luck is about to take a wild turn—whether you’re ready or not!

What is Wheel of Fortune.


** Scenario**

A client comes to you feeling stuck in both their career and personal life. They recently experienced a breakup and are unsure of their next steps. Professionally, they’ve been in the same job for several years and feel uninspired but are afraid to leave the security it offers. They ask you for guidance on how to navigate this period of transition and whether it's time for a change in their career or focus on healing from their breakup first.

You pull the following three cards:

  • The Tower
  • The Two of Swords
  • The Star

How do you interpret these cards in relation to the client's current challenges, and what advice would you give based on the spread?

"You're in a period of necessary change, and while it feels chaotic now, it's clearing the way for growth."

"You’re avoiding making a tough decision, but clarity will come once you confront your fears head-on."

"This is a time to let go of what's no longer working and trust the process of transformation."

"The breakdowns you're experiencing are creating space for new opportunities and personal healing."

"You may feel stuck, but there's hope ahead—trust that renewal and guidance are coming soon."
